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Email from Physicians for Reproductive Health

Dear John— Head on over to our Facebook page today at 3:30pm ET/12:30pm PT. We’ll be live with our new President & CEO Dr. Jamila Perritt and Board Chair Dr. Kristyn Brandi.

We can’t wait for you to get to know Dr. Perritt and hear what questions you have. Thank you! 

----Original Message----

Image: Live Q&A with Dr. Jamila Perritt and Dr. Kristyn Brandi

TOMORROW, join our President & CEO Dr. Jamila Perritt and Board Chair Dr. Kristyn Brandi for a Q&A on Facebook Live at 3:30pm ET.

We'll dig into how Dr. Perritt is driven to advocate for reproductive health care, what’s motivating her to do this work at Physicians for Reproductive Health, and the issues she cares about as President & CEO, an ob/gyn, and an advocate.

Mark your calendar and join Dr. Perritt and Dr. Brandi live at at 3:30pm ET. We can’t wait to see you there!

P.S. You can watch the live stream even if you don’t have a Facebook profile—just visit our Facebook page on October 1 at 3:30pm ET to tune in.