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The Latest News from Citizens for Tax Justice

Instead of Discussing Kitchen Table Issues, Trump Flipped over the Table

Like many of you, we tuned in to the first presidential debate prepared to listen to some semblance of a serious discussion about where the candidates stand on key policy issues. Most appalling (but sadly not surprising), the President of the United States refused to unequivocally denounce white supremacy. Instead of serious answers about kitchen table issues, Trump failed to provide answers on how he plans to help small businesses, workers and communities struggling in the midst of a pandemic and after months of no federal relief. Continue reading...

It’s Time to Change the Tax Laws to Make Donald Trump and Corporate Giants Pay Up

Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017 — and absolutely nothing in 10 of the 15 years prior to his election, according to the New York Times. Trump’s tax skirting exceeds that of most rich people by miles. Taxes fund critical programs that help everyone thrive: health care, interstate highways and veterans’ benefits, among many others. Closing loopholes in the tax code and adequately funding the IRS so they can enforce the law would prevent Trump from avoiding taxes. It would also make sure that every profitable corporation ponied up too. Continue reading...

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