This report presents information on persons under sentence of death on December 31, 2018 and persons executed in 2018. Tables show state-by-state statistics on the movement of prisoners sentenced to death during 2018, the status of capital statutes, and methods of execution. Data include offender characteristics, such as sex, race, ethnicity, criminal history, and time between the imposition of a death sentence and execution. The report also summarizes preliminary findings on executions in 2019.
After rising from 1.1 million in 2015 to 1.4 million in 2018, the number of persons who were victims of violent crime excluding simple assault dropped to 1.2 million in 2019. Statistics on crimes that have occurred in 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic, are being collected now and will be reported next year.
These tools provide instant access to NCVS data on nonfatal personal crimes (rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple assault, and personal larceny) and property crimes (burglary/trespassing, motor-vehicle theft, and other theft).
The NCVS is one of two primary sources of information about crime in the United States. It provides the largest national forum for victims age 12 or older to describe the impact of crime and characteristics of violent offenders, including crimes both reported and not reported to police.
Access NCVS API →
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Prisoner data for years 1978 through 2018 are now available through the Corrections Statistical Analysis Tool (CSAT). Through this dynamic tool, users can examine prisoner data for federal or state correctional authorities. Data include counts of prison admissions and releases, as well as year-end populations by state or federal jurisdiction, persons imprisoned in private facilities and local jails, imprisonment rate, citizenship status, prison capacity, and sex.
Data are from the National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) program.
Access CSAT - Prisoners →
The following data collection is open for public comments:
Comments on the proposed reinstatement and update of this data collection will be accepted until October 13, 2020.
The following datasets have been released through the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data: