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We The Action Volunteer,
We're proud to launch our Election 2020 Task Force. Below are opportunities to protect the integrity of this historic election and our sacred right to vote. You'll receive regular emails from us through the election with projects to help ensure the election is safe, secure, and accessible.

Don't wonder what you could have done. Pick a project and sign up to help now.
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National Opportunities
Pennsylvania | Florida | Michigan | North Carolina | Texas | Georgia | Iowa | Montana | New York | California

Poll Observer in Battleground States
In-person opportunity -- Sign up to learn about specific locations.
Who: 2020 Victory Voter Protection for Joe Biden & the Democrats
When: Now - November 3
What: Poll observers are placed at polling locations to monitor the opening of polls, the voting process, and the closing of polls. They watch for problems like long lines, insufficient ballots, incorrect information given to voters, etc. 
Why: Poll observers are voters’ first line of defense. Your work will help flag problems quickly to ensure that every eligible voter is able to cast their ballot and have it counted.
Length of Commitment: Varies by state, minimum of one day.
Learn more & sign up here!
National Voter Assistance Hotline
Remote opportunity -- Volunteer from anywhere!
Who: 2020 Victory Voter Protection for Joe Biden & the Democrats
When: Now - November 3
What: Help answer voters’ questions about the voting process and help them make a plan to vote early.
Why: Many voters have questions this year. Your work will help ensure that every eligible voter is able to exercise their right to vote.
Length of Commitment: Very flexible
Learn more & sign up here!
Battleground Voter Protection Recruitment
Remote opportunity -- Volunteer from anywhere!
Who: 2020 Victory Voter Protection for Joe Biden/Democrats
When: Now - November 3
What: Help recruit and schedule thousands of volunteers to help the Voter Protection team monitor the polls and staff voter protection hotlines. 
Why: These calls are critical and your work will help grow the team dedicated to ensuring that every vote counts. 
Length of Commitment: Very flexible
Learn more & sign up here:
National Hotline
| Florida | Colorado | Iowa | Pennsylvania | North Carolina | Ohio |  Texas
NEW: Be a Poll Worker Recruitment Captain
Remote opportunity -- Volunteer from anywhere!
Who: Voter Protection Corps Education & Advocacy Fund
When: Now - November 3
What: Help protect the election by recruiting poll workers from personal and professional networks.

Why: A lack of poll workers can result in polling places being closed, and data shows that these closures disproportionately impact communities of color.
Length of Commitment: Flexible
Learn more & sign up here!
NEW: Help Create Voter Guides for Young People
Remote opportunity -- Volunteer from anywhere!
Who: Rock the Vote Action Fund
When: Work will need to be completed by Monday, October 5th.
What: Conduct research for voter guides aimed at empowering and educating young voters.
Why: Research shows that many young voters don’t vote because they feel they don't have enough information to cast an informed ballot. Help educate voters and increase voter turnout!

Length of Commitment: Through October 5.
Learn more & sign up here!

NEW: Battleground PA-10 Voter Protection Team
In-person opportunity -- Volunteer must be on site
Who: DePasquale for PA10 and DCCC
When: November 3 - November 10
What: Election Protection for Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional district (Harrisburg/York). Poll Observers will monitor in-person voting to make sure the process runs smoothly and all eligible voters are able to cast their ballots. Post-election Canvass Observers will monitor the mail-in ballot review and tabulation process at the Board of Elections.  
Why: PA is voting by mail for the first time this year and many decisions will be made at the county level. Your help is needed to monitor the process and report any problems quickly to ensure that voters are able to cast their ballots.  
Length of Commitment: Election Day: All day
Post-Election Day: 3 hour shifts each day from the time County Board of Elections open until they close.

Learn more & sign up here!
NEW: Battleground FL-26 Voter Protection Team
In-person and remote opportunities available
Who: Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for Congress
When: Now!
What: Election protection for Florida’s 26th Congressional District (Miami/Key West). Call voters whose ballots were rejected in the primary to ensure it does not happen again. Attend and monitor the canvassing board to ensure a fair ballot review process. Must be a Florida-licensed attorney.
Why: Ballots that are wrongly rejected because of Florida’s stringent signature requirement could decide this race. You can help inform voters and make sure their votes count.  
Length of Commitment: Flexible
Learn more & sign up here!


Polls Observers for Early Vote, Election Day, and Absentee Ballot Count
In-person opportunity -- Volunteer must be on site
Who: Michigan Democratic Party
When: Now - November 3
What: Poll observers are placed inside and outside of polling locations, monitor the opening of polls, the voting process, and the closing of polls. They watch for problems like long lines, insufficient ballots, incorrect information given to voters, etc.  Absentee ballot count observers are also needed, beginning on Election Day in each county. Longer-term volunteers are needed to train/manage poll observers and ballot curing teams around the state.
Why: Poll observers are voters’ first line of defense. Your work will help flag problems quickly to ensure that every eligible voter is able to cast their ballot and have it counted.
Length of Commitment: Length varies depending on project.
Learn more & sign up here!
Ballot Curing Volunteers
In-person and remote opportunities available
Who: Michigan Democratic Party
When: Now - November 10
What: Help cure absentee ballots or provisional ballots that have been rejected by running phone banks and interfacing with counties and local election administrators.
Why: As absentee ballots are counted, thousands are rejected. Your work will help voters cure defective ballots, answer challenges, and ensure provisional ballots are counted.
Length of Commitment: Flexible
Learn more & sign up here!
NEW: Battleground MI-8 Voter Protection Team
In-person and remote opportunities available
Who: Elissa Slotkin for Congress
When: Now!
What: Election Protection for Michigan’s 8th Congressional District (Lansing/SE Michigan). Educate voters on how to vote by mail and help monitor the election clerks' offices absentee voting processes. 
Why: Michigan is running a massive vote by mail program for the first time in a presidential year and there are lots of changes and possible threats to the voting process. This is likely to be a very close race with the last election decided by only 13,000 votes. You can help ensure that every vote counts. 
Length of Commitment: Flexible
Learn more & sign up by emailing [email protected]!

Ballot Curing Team
Remote opportunity -- Volunteer from anywhere!
Who: North Carolina Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign
When: Now - November 13
What: Full-time volunteers needed to manage teams of ballot curing volunteers and navigate the constantly-evolving ballot review process. This role is fully remote. A major component of this effort will begin Sept. 29, when the counties will hold at least weekly meetings to review absentee ballots. 
Why: There is significant concern that tens of thousands of absentee ballots may be rejected. Already absentee ballots cast by Black voters are being rejected at a much higher rate than those cast by White voters.  Your work can help voters fix their ballots and be counted.
Length of Commitment: Flexible
Learn more & sign up here!
NEW: Texas Voter Protection
Remote opportunity -- Volunteer from anywhere!
Who: Texas Democratic Party & DCCC
When: Now - November 3
What: Poll watchers will help ensure that the election process runs smoothly and no one is wrongfully denied the opportunity to vote. Voter hotline volunteers will answer voter questions and get them the information they need to cast a ballot.
Why: Early voting in Texas starts on October 13 and record turnout is expected. Voters in Texas face many obstacles, made even harder by the pandemic, and your help will ensure that every vote counts.  
Length of Commitment: Very flexible!
Learn more & sign up here!

Ballot Rescue Team
Remote opportunity -- Volunteer from anywhere!
Who: Georgia Democratic Party
When: Now!
What: As a trained Ballot Rescue team member, follow-up with Georgia voters to help them fix issues flagged by elections officials with absentee ballot requests and ballots themselves.
Why: Every voter you contact is one whose vote may not be counted without your help!
Length of Commitment: Very flexible!
Learn more & sign up here!
Volunteer Recruitment Virtual Phone & Text Bank
Remote opportunity -- Volunteer from anywhere!
Who: Georgia Democratic Party
When: Now!
What: Join a virtual phone bank and help recruit the 100s of volunteers still needed to monitor the polls on Election Day in crucial districts.  
Why: By recruiting other volunteers, your work will make an exponential impact on this election. Plus, these phone banks are fun because you’re calling past volunteers and other motivated Georgia Dems who want to make a difference. 
Length of Commitment: 2 hours
Learn more & sign up here:
Wednesdays - 6-8pm EST
Saturdays - 2-4pm EST
NEW: Battleground GA-7 Voter Protection Team
In-person opportunity -- Volunteer must be on site
Who: Carolyn Bourdeaux for Congress
When: November 3
What: Election protection for Georgia's 7th Congressional District (north of Atlanta). Volunteers needed to flag, document, and address voting issues as they arise. 

Why: In 2018, this race was decided by 433 votes and the election was marred by voter suppression issues. Many polling locations also had problems in the primary this year.  You can help identify, flag, and resolve problems to ensure every vote is counted.
Length of Commitment: Flexible
Learn more & sign up by emailing [email protected]!

Election Day & Early Vote Poll Observers
In-person opportunity -- Volunteer must be on site
Who: Iowa Democratic Party
When: October 5 - November 3
What: Poll observers are placed inside and outside of polling locations, monitor the opening of polls, the voting process, and the closing of polls. They watch for problems like long lines, insufficient ballots, incorrect information given to voters, etc.
Why: Poll observers are voters’ first line of defense. Your work will help flag problems quickly to ensure that every eligible voter is able to cast their ballot and have it counted.
Length of Commitment: Flexible
Learn more & sign up here!
Absentee & Provisional Ballot Curing Team Member
Remote opportunity -- Volunteer from anywhere!
Who is sponsoring: Iowa Democratic Party
When: October 8 - November 9
What: Help the voter protection team cure absentee ballots that have been rejected by managing and assigning volunteers running phone banks and interfacing with counties and local election administrators.
Why: More absentee ballots are expected this year than ever before. You will help provide the information on rejected ballots that the absentee ballot curing team needs to help voters fix the issue and make sure their vote counts.
Length of Commitment: Flexible
Learn more & sign up here!
Hotline Volunteer
Remote opportunity -- Volunteer from anywhere!
Who: Iowa Democratic Party
When: Now - November 3
What: Answer voter hotline calls and support volunteers during their shifts, including answering legal questions and technology questions.
Why: You will help answer the thousands of hotline calls expected each week leading up to Election Day.  Every person you help is a vote saved!
Length of Commitment: Very flexible
Learn more & sign up here!

URGENT: Ballot Curing Team
Remote opportunity -- Volunteer from anywhere!
Who: Montana Democratic Party
When: Starting October 14
What: On Oct 14, thousands of Montanans will learn their ballots were deemed undeliverable or rejected. A big team of volunteers is needed to help call them quickly and help them correct their ballot and ensure their vote is counted.

Why: Your work will help ensure that ballots aren’t rejected inappropriately and that voters can cure the defects when possible.
Length of Commitment: A few days
Learn more & sign up here!
Election Day Poll Managers & Observers
In-person opportunity -- Volunteer must be on site
Who: Montana Democratic Party
When: Now - November 3
What: Poll Observers are placed inside and outside of polling locations, monitor the opening of polls, the voting process, and the closing of polls. They watch for problems like long lines, insufficient ballots, incorrect information given to voters, etc. Longer-term volunteers needed to train/manage poll observers around the state and manage ballot curing teams.
Why: Poll Observers are voters’ first line of defense. Your work will help report problems quickly to ensure that every eligible voter is able to cast their ballot and have it counted. 
Length of Commitment: Length varies depending on project
Learn more & sign up here!
Vote Count Observers
In-person opportunity -- Volunteer must be on site
Who: Montana Democratic Party
When: November 2 - November 3
What: Observe the vote count at county election offices for both mail-in and absentee ballots before Election Day and ballots cast in-person on Election Day.
Why: Your work will help ensure that ballots aren’t rejected inappropriately and you will gather information on rejected ballots so that voters can cure the defects when possible.
Length of Commitment: A few days
Learn more & sign up here!

Staff the New York Voter Protection Hotline
Remote opportunity -- Volunteer from anywhere!
Who: New York Democratic Lawyers’ Council
When: Now!
What: Staff the NY voter protection hotline and help voters understand the changes in state election law.
Why: NY has several battleground Congressional races. Your work will help voters understand new voting laws and make a plan to cast their ballot.
Length of Commitment: Flexible
Learn more & sign up here!
Poll Watch in NY Battleground Congressional Districts
In-person opportunity -- Volunteer must be on site
Who: New York Democratic Lawyers’ Council
When: October 24 – November 3
What: Serve as a poll watcher in one of New York’s battleground Congressional districts
Why: With several Congressional races expected to be decided by a handful of votes, your work will help ensure that every eligible voter’s vote counts. 

Length of Commitment: Flexible
Learn more & sign up here!

Election Protection in California Battleground House Districts
In-person and remote opportunities available
Who: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
When: Now!
What: Monitor in-person polling locations, observe vote-by-mail ballot processing, and ensure voters can fix ballots that would otherwise be thrown out.
Why: More than 27,000 mail ballots were rejected in California’s March primary, with an outsize impact on young and newly registered voters. Your work will help ensure that every eligible voter’s vote counts. 
Length of Commitment: Flexible
Learn more & sign up here!
Thank you for your commitment to our democracy. If you’re not a member of the Task Force and want to receive these emails in the future, join the Election 2020 Task Force.


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