Great news: We surpassed our September fundraising goal before the FEC deadline late last night.

Grassroots supporters like you made September our strongest month of fundraising yet. It's a testament to the strength of the grassroots campaign we're building here in Montana to send Steve Bullock to the U.S. Senate.

We're bringing people together around the core issues that matter to all of us, like quality, affordable health care, creating good-paying jobs, protecting our public lands, and making our government put the people's interests before corporate interests.

And thanks to your support, we're able to go toe-to-toe with the big corporate interests and outside groups pouring money into Montana to stop us.

Over the final 33 days of this election, let's make sure we leave it all out on the field.

If we do, we'll wake up on Nov. 4 with a new Senator-elect from Montana.

Let's go,

— Team Bullock


Steve Bullock has spent his career working to get big money out of our elections. That's why our campaign isn't taking any contributions from corporate PACs.

Instead, we're counting on small contributions from folks like you to win. Pitch in here to send Steve Bullock to the U.S. Senate:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: