Greetings from Arizona!

I am enjoying my last day here at home in Arizona before heading back to Washington, DC tomorrow. It has been wonderful to spend time traveling all over Arizona's Eighth Congressional District. When Congress returns this week, I hope Democrats will join Republicans to pass the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or the USMCA. Speaker Pelosi must bring the USMCA to the House floor for a vote. American jobs, including thousands here in Arizona, are depending on the USMCA.



Casework Highlight

A woman was attempting to join the military but was denied due to a previous medical issue. She submitted an appeal to have her records reviewed by the National Guard Bureau but had not had any communication from them regarding the outcome of her appeal. My office was able to have her medical records reviewed in a timelier fashion and she was successfully able to enlist in the Army National Guard!

Mobile Office Hours in Surprise

Constituents seeking assistance with Social Security, Medicare, veteran and military issues, or other federal agencies will be able to meet with a member of my staff in Surprise on Tuesday, September 10th. Here are the details: 

Tuesday, September 10 – The Park at Surprise, The Captain’s Table Room
14630 W. Parkwood Drive, Surprise, AZ 85374



Transforming Kidney Care

I recently toured the Fresenius Kidney Care Facility in Glendale. We discussed President Trump’s vision for transforming kidney care. Thank you for having me!



May God continue to bless you and our great nation!



Congresswoman Debbie Lesko