Good afternoon 


Our allies in New Zealand need your help. From 3rd October Kiwis can vote in a referendum to legalise assisted dying. 


If you know anyone from New Zealand, anywhere in the world, they are likely to be eligible to vote and cast a vote for compassion today. Please forward this email to anyone you know who might be eligible to vote and make sure they’ve registered.

A majority of New Zealanders support a change in the law. However, as the vote gets closer the margins are tightening. Every vote will count. 


Despite being on the other side of the world, the opponents in New Zealand use the same tactics as opposition here. This gives us a really good indication of the fight we must be prepared to put up the next time there is an assisted dying bill in the UK.


It’s not pretty. 


Over the past few months “pro-life” organisations have spent vast amounts of money on scaremongering billboards, spreading misinformation on social media, and circulating misleading stories online. 


While they intentionally avoid giving religious arguments against assisted dying, a recent article has exposed the interconnectedness of these new groups with evangelical and Catholic conservative Christian organisations. 


A win in New Zealand would demonstrate to Westminster and Holyrood that assisted dying must be firmly on their agenda. We are quickly becoming left behind as reasonable, compassionate societies realise that, for dying people, having to choose between options which result in unbearable suffering is no choice at all. 


If you know someone from New Zealand, please ask them to register to Vote Yes today. 

If you don't, I’ll keep you informed of the outcome of the referendum - and continue to fight for a change in the law in the UK. 


Stay strong - together, we will change the law.


Sadie Kempner

Dignity in Dying


P.S. If you’re not from New Zealand but you know someone who is, please forward this email to them and remind them to Vote Yes for Compassion. 


Our campaign is powered by our supporters - like you. We’re 100% funded by individual donations, so we can keep fighting, together, to change the law on assisted dying in the UK. Could you chip in today?


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