US "vaccine nationalism" so last week in a very deadly way; Komen continues to lose ground during pandemic; save the Community Reinvestment Act
US "vaccine nationalism" so last week in a very deadly way; Komen continues to lose ground during pandemic; public commentary needed to save the Community Reinvestment Act; and more!
This article comes from the spring 2019 edition of the Nonprofit Quarterly and was first published online April 10, 2019. It discusses the value proposition of nonprofit revenue diversification, which is a timely topic for many nonprofits as they struggle through the present and future budget impacts of the pandemic and related forces.
But we also want to take this opportunity to remind you that this afternoon, Kate Barr, CEO of Propel Nonprofits, is presenting a special webinar to our members on the particular dynamics of earned income and what the sector is learning about managing and innovating around earned income in a COVID-19 and economic recession context. Kate is one of this country’s most knowledgeable and compelling trainers on nonprofit finance, so don’t miss the opportunity. You can sign up here.
Collaboration is one of this epoch’s hallmark benefits, but the US has decided to go it alone during a global pandemic, making our people and economy vulnerable.
With another chance to weigh in, and with the Fed’s leadership ready to listen, supporters of the CRA need to step forward and weigh in on public comments.
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Amy Coney Barrett’s originalist reading of the Constitution, based on the writing of white male slaveowners, is one that contracts rights rather than expands them.
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