Wow —

I cannot believe it’s already October. This scrappy team has come so far and accomplished so much. But with only 33 days left, we cannot slow down — not even for a second.

That’s why I will have to ask you to add a donation at the end of this email. But first, I really hope you’ll give me a minute to explain why your support is so critical, especially now.

Tomorrow night I’ll take the debate stage against Cory Gardner for the first time in this race.

And I know we can pull off a win because Cory Gardner can’t call on his corporate backers for help this time. It will just be him and his failed record.

While I’m busy in debate prep, I won’t have a lot of time to focus on our fundraising. And to be honest, that worries me. This is our last full month before Election Day and we need to start October off strong if we want to win.

So, we’re setting a goal of reaching 5,000 individual contributions before I take the stage tomorrow night. Whether or not we reach this goal will significantly impact our budget in the closing weeks of this race, so I really hope I can count on you. Pitch in here:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks so much for supporting this campaign. Whether you’ve been with us since day one or are just tuning in, you’ll make the difference between a win and a loss.

— John