New Zealand Taxpayers' Union Inc.

Dear Supporter,

You're funding a left-wing Ihumātao campaign group... whether you like it or not!

ActionStation logo

I almost can't believe I'm writing this. After a tip-off and an official information request, we can now reveal that ActionStation, a left-wing campaign group with close connections to Labour and the Greens, has been receiving taxpayer funding, including a recent $15,000 grant from Netsafe.

ActionStation are as political as it gets. They describe themselves as a “campaign organisation” with “a focus on shifting public opinion and driving the media agenda in order to influence political decisions”. Their vision statement advocates for, among many things, a universal basic income, collective bargaining, new taxes, and increased taxpayer funding for political parties.

The organisation was founded by former Green Party staffers and help out Labour and the Greens during elections. They are even giving fuel vouchers to Ihumātao protestors and financially supporting beneficiaries to move into the campsite!

On Friday we revealed that the group has been receiving taxpayer money to tell New Zealanders how to have "better, safer and more productive conversations online around Māori, refugees, NZ history and Tiriti". Read more here.

This is despite Netsafe's claims on its website that it does not fund political organisations.

Imagine if it was reported that your humble Taxpayers' Union received a taxpayer handout. The media and the left would go absolutely wild – and rightly so!

Unlike our opponents, the Taxpayers' Union doesn't have the cheek to apply for or take taxpayer funding. We exist because of voluntary contributions from people like you.

Friend, will you pitch in so we can push back against taxpayer-funded lobby groups likes ActionStation?

The ActionStation grant is bad, but it's not completely unique. Groups like Oxfam and Amnesty International also take government grants, propping up their bottom lines so they can continue operations that include political lobbying.

Our independence is unique. But we need your support to ensure a taxpayer voice can compete with well-funded activists on the left.

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Thank you for making our work possible.


Jordan Williams
Executive Director
New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union

PS. Unlike many of the groups campaigning to spend ever more of your taxpayer money, the Taxpayers' Union refuses to take a cent of government funding. That's why we're relying on you to support our work. Click here to make a confidential donation via our secure website.