
I know that numerous times my team and I have said that as the House Democrats Campaign Chair I am responsible for supporting the candidates and raising the money we need to flip our state House, and today I want to introduce you to one of those incredible candidates.

She is Barb Anness. Barb is a small business owner, School Board Trustee and mother running to represent the people of Rochester/Rochester Hills in the 45th House District.
Education, public service and the economy are the core of who she is. 

Can you help me support Barb in her critical House race? I’m working as hard as I can to raise the money needed, and $15, $25, or $50 from each of us adds up in a big way when we are up against Republican mega donors.

As a School Board Trustee, she knows the struggles our schools have faced after 20 years of stagnant funding. In that position, she also knows that when elected, she does not just represent her primary voters or some deep pocketed donors -- she represents her entire community. As a small business owner, she’s seen the dramatic effects that COVID-19 has had on our economy and understands how we can support our family members and neighbors who keep our state moving.

We need Barb in Lansing.

Help me make sure Barb gets to Lansing, and make sure we flip the Michigan House.

She’s a dedicated public servant and I know she will make an excellent representative in Lansing.

In solidarity,
Team Donna
We hope that you are well and healthy during this very difficult time. We have cancelled our in-person fundraising events until we can meet again safely, which makes email fundraising more important than ever. We know that not everyone is able to financially support our campaign right now, but for those who can, every dollar given will go directly to finding innovative new ways to communicate with voters. We won’t let this virus stop us from making positive change in Lansing, and we hope you’ll stick with us however you can. Thank you for being a part of our team.
Copyright © *|2017|* *|Lasinski for Michigan PAC|*, All rights reserved.
Paid for by the Lasinski for Michigan PAC
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