Web Version:
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This September issue of the library newsletter includes Irish publications and international
evidence resources related to drugs, alcohol and tobacco. You can also continue to browse our online
Covid-19 collection [
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To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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] [
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] Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research library. Follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary [
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European drug report 2020: trends and developments.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2020) European drug report 2020: trends
and developments. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
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Review and evaluation of Garda youth diversion programmes 2019.
Sandra Roe Research. Egan, Annabel (2020) Review and evaluation of Garda youth diversion programmes
2019. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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A framework for the Inspection of Prisons in Ireland.
Office of the Inspector of Prisons. (2020) A framework for the Inspection of Prisons in Ireland.
Dublin: Office of the Inspector of Prisons.
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Reducing alcohol related harm in Ireland. Policy and legislation 1996-2020.
Institute of Public Health in Ireland. (2020) Reducing alcohol related harm in Ireland. Policy and
legislation 1996-2020. Dublin: Institute of Public Health.
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Risk of nitrous oxide use.
Ogunjimi, Elizabeth (2020) Risk of nitrous oxide use. Irish Medical Times .
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Experience of discrimination and engagement with mental health and other services by Travellers in
Ireland: findings from the All Ireland Traveller Health Study (AITHS).
Quirke, B and Heinen, M and Fitzpatrick, P and McKey, S and Malone, K M and Kelleher, C (2020)
Experience of discrimination and engagement with mental health and other services by Travellers in
Ireland: findings from the All Ireland Traveller Health Study (AITHS). Irish Journal of
Psychological Medicine , Early online , pp. 1-11.
[link removed]
Does smoke-free legislation work for teens too? A logistic regression analysis of smoking prevalence
and gender among 16 years old in Ireland, using the 1995-2015 ESPAD school surveys.
Li, Shasha and Keogan, Sheila and Clancy, Luke (2020) Does smoke-free legislation work for teens
too? A logistic regression analysis of smoking prevalence and gender among 16 years old in Ireland,
using the 1995-2015 ESPAD school surveys. BMJ Open , 10 , (8) , e032630.
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A review of the youth work sector response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Erwin, Deborah and Thompson, Lorraine (2020) A review of the youth work sector response to the
COVID-19 pandemic. Dublin: National Youth Council of Ireland.
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COVID 19: An assurance framework for registered providers - preparedness planning and Infection
prevention and control measures.
Health Information and Quality Authority. (2020) COVID 19: An assurance framework for registered
providers - preparedness planning and Infection prevention and control measures. Dublin: HIQA.
[link removed]
Guidance for youth work organisations. Informed by the Government’s Resilience & Recovery 2020-2021:
plan for Living with COVID-19.
Department of Health. (2020) Guidance for youth work organisations. Informed by the Government’s
Resilience & Recovery 2020-2021: plan for Living with COVID-19. Dublin: Ireland. Department of
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Accessibility of legislation in the digital age.
Law Reform Commission. (2020) Accessibility of legislation in the digital age. Dublin: Law Reform
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Precarious positions of understanding: the illicit drug landscape and drug education in Ireland.
Darcy, Clay (2020) Precarious positions of understanding: the illicit drug landscape and drug
education in Ireland. Irish Educational Studies , Early online .
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Day services for people who are homeless in Dublin: a review commissioned by the Dublin Region
Homeless Executive (DRHE).
Kelleher, Joanne and Norris, Michelle (2020) Day services for people who are homeless in Dublin: a
review commissioned by the Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE). Dublin: Dublin Region Homeless
[link removed]
European drug report 2020: key issues summary.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2020) European drug report 2020: key
issues summary. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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Micro- and macro-drivers of child deprivation in 31 European countries — 2020 edition.
Eurostat. Guio, Anne-Catherine and Marlier, Eric and Vandenbroucke, Frank and Verbunt, Pim (2020)
Micro- and macro-drivers of child deprivation in 31 European countries — 2020 edition. Luxembourg:
Publications Office of the European Union.
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The EU in the world - 2020 edition.
Eurostat. (2020) The EU in the world - 2020 edition. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European
[link removed]
Sustainable development in the European Union. Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an
EU context.
Eurostat. (2020) Sustainable development in the European Union. Monitoring report on progress
towards the SDGs in an EU context. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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The life of women and men in Europe — a statistical portrait.
Eurostat. (2020) The life of women and men in Europe — a statistical portrait. Eurostat.
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Young persons’ behaviour and attitudes survey 2019: substance use - (smoking, alcohol & drugs).
Foster, Cyrss and Scarlett, Mary and Stewart, Bill (2020) Young persons’ behaviour and attitudes
survey 2019: substance use - (smoking, alcohol & drugs). Belfast: Department of Health.
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Emerging digital generations? impacts of child digital use on mental and socioemotional well-being
across two cohorts in Ireland, 2007–2018.
Bohnert, Melissa and Gracia, Pablo (2020) Emerging digital generations? impacts of child digital use
on mental and socioemotional well-being across two cohorts in Ireland, 2007–2018. Child Indicators
Research .
[link removed]
Review of selected literature pertaining to the children of Growing Up in Ireland Cohort ’08 (Infant
Cohort) at age 9 years.
Murray, Aisling et al (2020) Review of selected literature pertaining to the children of Growing Up
in Ireland Cohort ’08 (Infant Cohort) at age 9 years. Dublin: ESRI; Trinity College Dublin;
Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
[link removed]
Using Growing Up in Ireland data. A guidance note for policy makers, researchers and NGOs.
Ireland. Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2020) Using Growing Up in Ireland data. A
guidance note for policy makers, researchers and NGOs. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth
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A qualitative study of LGBTQI+ youth homelessness in Ireland.
Quilty, Aideen and Norris, Michelle (2020) A qualitative study of LGBTQI+ youth homelessness in
Ireland. Dublin: Focus Ireland and Belongto Youth Services.
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Forensic Science Ireland annual report 2019.
Forensic Science Ireland. (2020) Forensic Science Ireland annual report 2019. Dublin: Forensic
Science Ireland.
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National Office for Suicide Prevention: annual report 2019.
National Office for Suicide Prevention. (2020) National Office for Suicide Prevention: annual report
2019. Dublin: National Office for Suicide Prevention.
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Dublin Simon Community annual review 2019.
Dublin Simon Community. (2020) Dublin Simon Community annual review 2019. Dublin Simon Community.
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Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. Statistics supplement 2019.
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. (2020) Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. Statistics supplement 2019. Dublin:
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.
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Office of the State Pathologist annual report 2019.
Ireland. Office of the State Pathologist. (2020) Office of the State Pathologist annual report 2019.
Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Turas strategic plan 2020 - 2023.
Turas. (2020) Turas strategic plan 2020 - 2023. Louth: Turas.
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Sligo Social Services annual report 2019.
Sligo Social Service Council CLG. (2020) Sligo Social Services annual report 2019. Sligo: Sligo
Social Service Council CLG.
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Evidence Resources
Accessing take-home naloxone in British Columbia and the role of community pharmacies: results from
the analysis of administrative data.
Moustaqim-Barrette, Amina et al. (2020) Accessing take-home naloxone in British Columbia and the
role of community pharmacies: results from the analysis of administrative data. PLoS ONE, 15 (9)
e0238618. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238618
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Service needs of young people affected by adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): a systematic review
of UK qualitative evidence.
Lester, Sarah and Khatwa, Meena and Sutcliffe, Katy . (2020) Service needs of young people affected
by adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): a systematic review of UK qualitative evidence. Children
and Youth Services Review, 118 105429. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105429
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GDS COVID-19 special edition key findings report.
Winstock, Adam and Zhuparris, Ahnjili and Gilchrist, Gail and Davies, Emma L and Puljević, Cheneal
and Potts, Laura and Maier, Larissa and Ferris, Jason and Barrett, Monica . (2020) GDS COVID-19
special edition key findings report. Global drugs survey.
[link removed]
The responsiveness of criminal networks to intentional attacks: disrupting darknet drug trade.
Duxbury, Scott and Haynie, Dana L . (2020) The responsiveness of criminal networks to intentional
attacks: disrupting darknet drug trade. PLoS ONE, 15 (9) e0238019. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238019
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A pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial of two behaviour change interventions compared to
usual care to reduce substance misuse in looked after children and care leavers aged 12-20 years:
The SOLID study.
Alderson, Hayley et al. (2020) A pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial of two behaviour
change interventions compared to usual care to reduce substance misuse in looked after children and
care leavers aged 12-20 years: The SOLID study. PLoS ONE, 15 (9) e0238286. doi:
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Sex and gender differences in the effects of novel psychoactive substances.
Fattore, Liana et al. (2020) Sex and gender differences in the effects of novel psychoactive
substances. Brain Sciences, 10 (9) e606. doi: 10.3390/brainsci10090606
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The relevance of dual diagnoses among drug-dependent patients with sleep disorders.
Roncero, Carlos et al. (2020) The relevance of dual diagnoses among drug-dependent patients with
sleep disorders. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9 (9) e2862. doi: 10.3390/jcm9092862
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Control of recreational cannabis in a New Zealand university sample: perceptions of informal and
formal controls.
Robertson, Kirsten J and Tustin, Karen . (2020) Control of recreational cannabis in a New Zealand
university sample: perceptions of informal and formal controls. Substance Abuse: Research and
Treatment, 14 doi: 10.1177/1178221820953397
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Principles for the responsible legal regulation of cannabis.
International Drug Policy Consortium. [IDPC] (2020) Principles for the responsible legal regulation
of cannabis. London: International Drug Policy Consortium. 27 p.
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A regulatory take on cannabis and cannabinoids for medicinal use in the European Union.
Lipnik-Štangelj, Metoda and Razinger, Barbara (2020) A regulatory take on cannabis and cannabinoids
for medicinal use in the European Union. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 71, (1), pp.
[link removed]
Risk factors for the onset of dependence and chronic psychosis due to cannabis use: Survey of
patients with cannabis-related psychiatric disorders.
Matsumoto, Toshihiko et al. (2020) Risk factors for the onset of dependence and chronic psychosis
due to cannabis use: Survey of patients with cannabis-related psychiatric disorders.
Neuropsychopharmacology Reports, Early online doi: 10.1002/npr2.12133
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Insomnia in relation to academic performance, self-reported health, physical activity, and substance
use among adolescents.
Hedin, Gita et al. (2020) Insomnia in relation to academic performance, self-reported health,
physical activity, and substance use among adolescents. International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, 17 (17) e6433. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17176433
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Prevalence of opioid dependence and opioid agonist treatment in the Berlin custodial setting: a
cross-sectional study.
von Bernuth, Kira et al. (2020) Prevalence of opioid dependence and opioid agonist treatment in the
Berlin custodial setting: a cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11 794. doi:
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Opioids: risk of dependence and addiction.
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. (2020) Opioids: risk of dependence and
addiction. Drug Safety Update , 14 , (2) .
[link removed]
Assessment of probable opioid use disorder using electronic health record documentation.
Palumbo, Sarah A et al. [JAMA]. (2020) Assessment of probable opioid use disorder using electronic
health record documentation. JAMA Network Open, 3 (9) e2015909. doi:
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The needle and the damage done: musculoskeletal and vascular complications associated with injected
drug use.
Delaney, Francis T et al (2020) The needle and the damage done: musculoskeletal and vascular
complications associated with injected drug use. Insights into Imaging , 11 , (1) , p. 98.
[link removed]
National survey on drug use and health (NSDUH).
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2020) National survey on drug use and
health (NSDUH). Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 63 p.
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Drug and alcohol education resource pack.
PHSE Association. (2020) Drug and alcohol education resource pack. London: PHSE Association.
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A curriculum for life: the case for statutory personal, social, health and economic (PSHE)
PHSE Association. (2017) A curriculum for life: the case for statutory personal, social, health and
economic (PSHE) education. London: PHSE Association. 26 p.
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Brief interventions targeting long-term benzodiazepine and Z-drug use in primary care: a systematic
review and meta-analysis.
Lynch, Tom et al (2020) Brief interventions targeting long-term benzodiazepine and Z-drug use in
primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction , 115 , (9) , pp. 1618-1639.
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Motivations for treatment engagement in a residential substance use disorder treatment program: a
qualitative study.
Dillon, Patrick J et al. (2020) Motivations for treatment engagement in a residential substance use
disorder treatment program: a qualitative study. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, 14 doi:
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Alcohol addiction, gut microbiota, and alcoholism treatment: a review.
Wang, Shao-Cheng et al. (2020) Alcohol addiction, gut microbiota, and alcoholism treatment: a
review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (17) e6413. doi: 10.3390/ijms21176413
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How has COVID-19 changed the use of illegal drugs? An overview of the results so far.
Skumlien, Martine and Lawn, Will (2020) How has COVID-19 changed the use of illegal drugs? An
overview of the results so far. London: Society for the Study of Addiction.
[link removed]
Impacts of COVID-19 and associated restrictions on people who use illicit stimulants in Australia:
findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System 2020.
Peacock, Amy et al (2020) Impacts of COVID-19 and associated restrictions on people who use illicit
stimulants in Australia: findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System 2020. Sydney:
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.
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Self-reported alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use during covid-19 lockdown measures: results from a
web-based survey.
Vanderbruggen, Nathalie et al (2020) Self-reported alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use during
covid-19 lockdown measures: results from a web-based survey. European Addiction Research , pp. 1-7.
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Alcohol advertisers may be using social media to encourage parents to drink during COVID‐19.
Leung, Janni and Connor, Jason and Hides, Leanne and Hall, Wayne D . (2020) Alcohol advertisers may
be using social media to encourage parents to drink during COVID‐19. Medical Journal of Australia,
213 (4) 188 .e1. doi: 10.5694/mja2.50707
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Declared funding and authorship by alcohol industry actors in the scientific literature: a
bibliometric study.
Golder, Su and Garry, Jack and McCambridge, Jim (2020) Declared funding and authorship by alcohol
industry actors in the scientific literature: a bibliometric study. European Journal of Public
Health , Early online .
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Dark nudges and sludge in big alcohol: behavioral economics, cognitive biases, and alcohol industry
corporate social responsibility.
Petticrew, Mark et al. (2020) Dark nudges and sludge in big alcohol: behavioral economics, cognitive
biases, and alcohol industry corporate social responsibility. The Milbank Quarterly, Early online
doi: 10.1111/1468-0009.12475
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‘It’s everywhere’ - alcohol’s public face and private harm.
The Commission on Alcohol Harm. (2020) ‘It’s everywhere’ - alcohol’s public face and private harm.
London: Alcohol Health Alliance UK. 65 p.
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Editorial: Is early onset of alcohol use associated with later alcohol use?
Pautassi, Ricardo Marcos and Bravo, Adrian J and Acquas, Elio and Pilatti, Angelina . (2020)
Editorial: Is early onset of alcohol use associated with later alcohol use? Frontiers in Behavioral
Neuroscience, 14 133. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2020.00133
[link removed]
Does patient involvement in treatment planning improve adherence, enrollment and other treatment
outcome in alcohol addiction treatment? A systematic review.
Ellegaard Hell, Morten and Søgaard Nielsen, Anette . (2020) Does patient involvement in treatment
planning improve adherence, enrollment and other treatment outcome in alcohol addiction treatment? A
systematic review. Addiction Research & Theory [link removed]
[link removed]
Association of alcohol-induced loss of consciousness and overall alcohol consumption with risk for
Kivimäki, Mika et al. (2020) Association of alcohol-induced loss of consciousness and overall
alcohol consumption with risk for dementia. JAMA Network Open, 3 (9) e2016084. doi:
[link removed]
Men and alcohol: key issues.
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems, Institute of Alcohol Studies. (2020) Men and alcohol:
key issues. London: SHAAP and IAS. 22 p.
[link removed]
Alcohol-free and low-strength drinks: understanding their role in reducing alcohol-related harms.
Corfe, Scott and Hyde, Richard and Shepherd, Jake [Alcohol Change UK] . (2020) Alcohol-free and
low-strength drinks: understanding their role in reducing alcohol-related harms. London: The Social
Market Foundation. 95 p.
[link removed]
Alcohol and drug use disorders in patients with cancer and caregivers: effects on caregiver burden.
Webber, Katherine et al (2020) Alcohol and drug use disorders in patients with cancer and
caregivers: effects on caregiver burden. London: Alcohol Change UK.
[link removed]
Alcohol deaths reviews: practical guidance for Alcohol and Drug Partnerships and public health
Alcohol Focus Scotland. (2020) Alcohol deaths reviews: practical guidance for Alcohol and Drug
Partnerships and public health teams. Glasgow: Alcohol Focus Scotland.
[link removed]
Patterns of alcohol use in adolescents: early predictors and adulthood outcomes.
Yuen, Wing See (2020) Patterns of alcohol use in adolescents: early predictors and adulthood
outcomes. NDARC Blog .
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Problematic alcohol and drug use is associated with low self-directedness and cooperativeness.
Steingrimsson, Steinn et al (2020) Problematic alcohol and drug use is associated with low
self-directedness and cooperativeness. European Addiction Research , pp. 1-9.
[link removed]
Public attitudes to Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) for alcohol in Scotland.
Ferguson, Karl et al (2020) Public attitudes to Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) for alcohol in Scotland.
Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.
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Alcohol use and cancer in the European Union.
Rehm, Jürgen and Shield, Kevin D (2020) Alcohol use and cancer in the European Union. European
Addiction Research , pp. 1-8.
[link removed]
Rural matters. Understanding alcohol use in rural Scotland: findings from a qualitative research
MacDiarmid, Jackie (2020) Rural matters. Understanding alcohol use in rural Scotland: findings from
a qualitative research study. Edinburgh: Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems.
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The effects of pre-intervention mindset induction on a brief intervention to increase risk
perception and reduce alcohol use among university students: a pilot randomized controlled trial.
Büchele, Natascha et al (2020) The effects of pre-intervention mindset induction on a brief
intervention to increase risk perception and reduce alcohol use among university students: a pilot
randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE , 15 , (9) , e0238833.
[link removed]
The neurophysiology of implicit alcohol associations in recently abstinent patients with alcohol use
disorder: an event-related potential study considering gender effects.
Tschuemperlin, Raphaela Martina et al (2020) The neurophysiology of implicit alcohol associations in
recently abstinent patients with alcohol use disorder: an event-related potential study considering
gender effects. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research .
[link removed]
Drink, doctors and medications.
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2020) Drink, doctors and medications. Drug and Alcohol Findings Alcohol
Matrix .
[link removed]
Negative consequences of substance use in European university students: results from project SNIPE.
McAlaney, John et al (2020) Negative consequences of substance use in European university students:
results from project SNIPE. European Addiction Research , pp. 1-8.
[link removed]
The unhappy mental health triad: comorbid severe mental illnesses, personality disorders, and
substance use disorders in prison populations.
Mundt, Adrian P and Baranyi, Gergő . (2020) The unhappy mental health triad: comorbid severe mental
illnesses, personality disorders, and substance use disorders in prison populations. Frontiers in
Psychiatry, 11 804. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00804
[link removed]
Cumulative risk and protection measures data.
Bondi, Bianca C and Pepler, Debra J and Motz, Mary and Andrews, Naomi CZ . (2020) Cumulative risk
and protection measures data. Data in Brief, 32 106129. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106129
[link removed]
Identifying risk factors involved in the common versus specific liabilities to substance use: a
genetically informed approach.
Iob, Eleonora et al. (2020) Identifying risk factors involved in the common versus specific
liabilities to substance use: a genetically informed approach. Addiction Biology, Early online
(e12944) [link removed]
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Understanding the sexual health and blood borne virus risk behaviours of defined 'at risk' groups to
inform a service training programme.
Matheson, Catriona et al. (2020) Understanding the sexual health and blood borne virus risk
behaviours of defined 'at risk' groups to inform a service training programme. Glasgow: Scottish
Drugs Forum. 92 p.
[link removed]
Psychological impacts of "screen time" and "green time" for children and adolescents: a systematic
scoping review.
Oswald, Tassia K and Rumbold, Alice R and Kedzior, Sophie G E and Moore, Vivienne M . (2020)
Psychological impacts of "screen time" and "green time" for children and adolescents: a systematic
scoping review. PLoS ONE, 15 (9) e0237725. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237725
[link removed]
Worlds of influence: understanding what shapes child well-being in rich countries. Innocenti report
card 16.
UNICEF Innocenti. (2020) Worlds of influence: understanding what shapes child well-being in rich
countries. Innocenti report card 16. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti.
[link removed]
Does healthcare inequity reflect variations in peoples' abilities to access healthcare? Results from
a multi-jurisdictional interventional study in two high-income countries.
Haggerty, Jeannie et al (2020) Does healthcare inequity reflect variations in peoples' abilities to
access healthcare? Results from a multi-jurisdictional interventional study in two high-income
countries. International Journal for Equity in Health , 19 , (1) , p. 167.
[link removed]
At the margin: By how much do social transfers reduce material deprivation in Europe.
Eurostat. Notten, Geranda et al (2020) At the margin: By how much do social transfers reduce
material deprivation in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
[link removed]
Contexts and mechanisms that promote access to healthcare for populations experiencing homelessness:
a realist review.
Siersbaek, Rikke et al (2020) Contexts and mechanisms that promote access to healthcare for
populations experiencing homelessness: a realist review. Research Square .
[link removed]
Nonsuicidal self-injury: its associations with pathological internet use and psychopathology among
Meszaros, Gergely et al. (2020) Nonsuicidal self-injury: its associations with pathological internet
use and psychopathology among adolescents. Frontiers in Psychiatry doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00814
[link removed]
UNODC annual report 2018.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. [UNODC] (2019) UNODC annual report 2018. Vienna: United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. 146 p.
[link removed]
Monitoring EU crime policies using the International Classification of Crime for Statistical
(2018) Monitoring EU crime policies using the International Classification of Crime for Statistical
Purposes. Luxembourg: . 54 p.
[link removed]
The long-term effect of the NSW Drug Court on recidivism.
Weatherburn, Don et al (2020) The long-term effect of the NSW Drug Court on recidivism. Sydney: NSW
Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research.
[link removed]
Guide on making TVET and skills development inclusive for all.
International Labour Organization. (2020) Guide on making TVET and skills development inclusive for
all. Geneva: International Labour Organization.
[link removed]
Associations between a smoke-free homes intervention and childhood admissions to hospital in
Scotland: an interrupted time-series analysis of whole-population data.
Turner, Steve et al. (2020) Associations between a smoke-free homes intervention and childhood
admissions to hospital in Scotland: an interrupted time-series analysis of whole-population data.
The Lancet Public Health, 5 (9) e493-e500. doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(20)30178-X
[link removed]
Does 'Dry Hit' vaping of vitamin E acetate contribute to EVALI? Simulating toxic ketene formation
during e-cigarette use.
Narimani, Milad and da Silva, Gabriel . (2020) Does 'Dry Hit' vaping of vitamin E acetate contribute
to EVALI? Simulating toxic ketene formation during e-cigarette use. PLoS ONE, 15 (9) e0238140. doi:
[link removed]
Tobacco harm reduction in the 21st century.
O'Leary, Renée and Polosa, Riccardo (2020) Tobacco harm reduction in the 21st century. Drugs and
Alcohol Today , 20 , (3) , pp. 219-234.
[link removed]
Tobacco and coronary heart disease. WHO tobacco knowledge summaries.
Puig-Cotado, Ferranda et al (2020) Tobacco and coronary heart disease. WHO tobacco knowledge
summaries. Geneva: World Health Organization.
[link removed]
Gamification as an approach to improve resilience and reduce attrition in mobile mental health
interventions: a randomized controlled trial.
Litvin, Silja and Saunders, Rob and Maier, Markus A and Lüttke, Stefan . (2020) Gamification as an
approach to improve resilience and reduce attrition in mobile mental health interventions: a
randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE, 15 (9) e0237220. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237220
[link removed]
Predictors of dropout in disordered gamblers in UK residential treatment.
Roberts, Amanda and Murphy, Raegan and Turner, John and Sharman, Steve . (2020) Predictors of
dropout in disordered gamblers in UK residential treatment. Journal of Gambling Studies, 36 (1)
[link removed]
Development and validation of a short-form internet overuse screening questionnaire for adults.
Park, Soowon et al (2020) Development and validation of a short-form internet overuse screening
questionnaire for adults. European Addiction Research , pp. 1-11.
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Looking back on 25 years of annual reporting on the drugs problem in Europe.
[EMCDDA] (30 Sep 2020)
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Ireland can’t wait any longer for the North – it must lead.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (28 Sep 2020)
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Ireland three times above European average for drug related deaths.
[Extra.ie] Kelleher, Lynne (27 Sep 2020)
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FDA requiring labeling changes for benzodiazepines.
[US Food and Drug Administration] (23 Sep 2020)
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Health Research Board compares the Irish drug situation with the rest of Europe.
[Health Research Board] (22 Sep 2020)
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The feminisation of alcohol marketing.
[BBC Worklife] (19 Sep 2020)
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Surprise expressed at low number of Covid-19 cases among people who use drugs.
[Medical Independent] Cahill, Niamh (18 Sep 2020)
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Alcohol Action call for rational approach to alcohol excise duties in Pre-Budget submission.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (17 Sep 2020)
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Introduction of gambling regulator is delayed again.
[Independent.ie] Mulligan, John (14 Sep 2020)
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Staff demand publication of Cork addiction facility probe.
[Irish Examiner] Clifford, Michael (14 Sep 2020)
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More spent on alcohol despite Covid-19 closure of pubs as people switch from beer to wine.
[Independent.ie] McQuinn, Cormac (14 Sep 2020)
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Homeless in the pandemic: meet Ciara and Shane, Darragh and Gary.
[Irish Times] Holland, Kitty (12 Sep 2020)
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Over half of people have been drinking more frequently during the pandemic, new survey finds.
[thejournal.ie] Murray, Sean (10 Sep 2020)
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No amount of alcohol at any stage of pregnancy is safe for your baby, HSE experts advise.
[Health Service Executive] (09 Sep 2020)
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Relief as support meeting numbers not limited to 6.
[RTE News] Conneely, Ailbhe (09 Sep 2020)
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One-in-four drug users at Irish festivals using laughing gas.
[Irish Examiner] Ring, Evelyn (06 Sep 2020)
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Why drug dealing and drug use will increase after Covid-19.
[RTE Brainstorm] Windle, James and Drew, Sinead and Leonard, James (02 Sep 2020)
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Numbers seeking treatment for cocaine abuse likely to increase in the coming years.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (02 Sep 2020)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Topical issue debate. Drug treatment programmes. [
[link removed]
] (22 Sep 2020)
Topical issue debate. Questions on promised legislation. [
[link removed]
] (17 Sep 2020)
Other questions - Crime prevention. [
[link removed]
] (10 Sep 2020)
Public health, well-being and National Drugs Strategy: statements. [
[link removed]
] (10 Sep 2020)
Criminal Justice (Enforcement Powers) (Covid-19) Bill 2020: Second stage. [
[link removed]
] (02 Sep 2020)
See all debates
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