Brandt —

I'll be getting ready for tonight’s debate all day, but I wanted to write you a quick note before I hunker down.

While tonight might be the last time I go head-to-head with Thom Tillis in a debate, it’s certainly not the end of this race. With 33 days left until Election Day, there is a lot of time left for Tillis and his allies to launch big-money attacks.

So I’m a bit worried we won’t have the resources to fight back against the Washington GOP’s intricate network of super PACs and shady interest groups — like the one that just dumped another $9.6 million into our race.

Heck, a Politico reporter even said our race would “easily top $200 million in total spending.” That’s an eye-popping number, Brandt, but it proves what our campaign has said all along: North Carolina will be the most expensive Senate race this cycle.

That’s why I’m personally asking if you’ll add a donation of any amount to my campaign before I step on that debate stage tonight. We need to bring in 10,000 individual donations from supporters like you in the next few hours. Can I count on you to help?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Together, we have a chance to win this election the right way — by rejecting corporate special interests and telling the truth about the issues and the political corruption that stands in the way of progress. But we can’t win without your help.

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work.

— Cal