*** Another new poll released earlier today has Democrat Jaime Harrison TIED with Lindsey Graham in South Carolina ***

Democrats only need to flip four seats to take back the Senate — and South Carolina is one of our best chances! Rush a donation before our FEC fundraising deadline to help us defeat Republicans like Lindsey Graham:

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John — Here’s the latest in this race: 

FIRST: Jaime Harrison launched his longshot campaign for Senate in South Carolina against Senator Lindsey Graham — building a powerful grassroots team that has broken fundraising records and put this race in play for Democrats. 

THEN: Harrison surged into a statistical tie against Graham despite the Republican having the full backing of Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and the GOP’s right-wing megadonor network. 

NOW: With Graham struggling in the polls he went on Fox News last week to beg Republicans for money and support saying, "I'm being killed financially" by Democrats. And now he's helping Trump and McConnell rush this shameful Supreme Court nomination. 

Democrats like Jaime face tens of millions of dollars in negative attacks from Republican groups with ties to Trump and McConnell. Anything you can do to step up and help us defend our Democratic Senate candidates will go a long way toward taking back our government:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for standing up today. We appreciate your support. 

— Flip the Senate