The European Islam movement continues to grow with two more institutions launched
The Oldest Progressive Muslim Organization in America
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European Islam Movement 

Here in America, tertiary education can break your bank. The reason I want to share this story is because, despite the worst circumstances, there are always those with a vision for solutions to an epic problem: the lack of medical students from poor families, and for primary care, a medical field that is not lucrative.

What is inspiring is this news segment on 60 Minutes, about the philanthropic efforts of New York University (NYU) Board members to provide free tuition for ALL its medical students. All.

I dream of the day when I, like many medical students, can focus on doing my work, not worrying about MPV sustaining itself. In our effort to reach a more secure future, we have a new Director of Planned Giving, Mr. Anwar Bhamla. His role will be to help organize and improve MPV’s fundraising abilities. In the long run, Anwar hopes to raise enough funds to set up an endowment. This will allow MPV to carry on with its primary objectives, without having to worry about fundraising.
Specifically for the U.S., Anwar is encouraging a tax-efficient way for retired individuals to increase their financial contribution to MPV. He would like to encourage all MPV supporters in retirement to take advantage of this. For details, click here or contact him at

Our progressive movement continues to grow and on September 7th in Paris, I was invited to help launch a new inclusive mosque, the Simorgh Mosque, led by two friends Anne-Sophie Monsinay and Eva Janadin. Packed into a room were 70 people of diverse background made up of converts to Islam, and those of African and Arab decent. Most of the women prayed uncovered or with a shawl thrown over in a loose fashion. Media coverage was intentionally limited and controlled. The program included introducing the purpose and theological reason for such an inclusive French prayer space, sermon, early afternoon prayer, a theological discussion with the congregation, zikir and the late afternoon prayer led by myself.  

Also in Europe, the EU Institute of Islam has been launched by Michael Privot Perso of Belgium, which in the future will provide a degree of Bachelors, Masters, Chaplaincy, and an Imamship training, toward institutionalizing a European Islam.

These new establishments are in addition to others already established in France, German, the Netherlands, and the U.K. 

On a global scale, membership of the umbrella organization Alliance of Inclusive Muslims (AIM) has continued to grow. We recently had an election in which the new board is as follows: Ms. Ulfat Hussein Masibo (Kenya, President), Imam Khalfan (Burundi, Vice President), Ms. Sherine Albanhawy (Egypt-Canada, Secretary), Ms. Ani Zonneveld (USA, Treasurer), and Mr. Frej Fennich (Tunisia-Swiss, Advisor to the Board). AIM continues to advocate for human rights for all particular on the issue of freedom of expression, freedom of religion or belief, and against apostasy and blasphemy laws. 

Onward and upward...

Ani Zonneveld

Pictured: The Simorgh Mosque team and friends in Paris
  • President's Letter
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U.N. Update 

Human Rights Council, 42nd Session - Geneva

Please join MPV at our side-event titled: "Pre-colonial Societies on Gender and Sexuality: A Hindu, Muslim and Indigenous Peoples' Perspective." Our panelist consists of Ludovic Mohammed Zahed (Algeria-France, Islam), Manisha Dhakal (Nepal, Hindu), Dr Yvette Abrahams (South Africa, traditional African religion) and moderated by Ani Zonneveld (Muslims for Progressive Values). 

Date: September 12, 2019
Time: 10:00 a.m. (GMT+2)
Room: XVI 
Co-organizer: GIN-SSOGIE
Co-sponsors: Permanent Missions of South African and Iceland
National Update 

Save the Date: Celebration of Life! 

Save the date for our first Celebration of Life in Washington DC on November 22, 2018. Confirmed honoree Ms. Bochra Bel Haj Hmida for her human rights work in Tunisia, Mahmoud Mohammad Taha (Sudan), Masih Alinejad (Iran), and the many Saudi women in jail for their human rights activism. Rushan Abbas will be speaking on the treatment of the Uyghur community in China and we will be confirming additional speakers soon.

MPV-LA held a strategy session in planning its activities for the coming year, fortifying our structure with the addition of two new positions in IT and Planned Giving. Looking ahead is a retreat for mixed faith couples and their children for which MPV has conducted many.

Pictured to the Right (L-R): Yaseen Nisar (LGBTQ Advocate), Mete Kural (IT), Anwar Bhamla (Planned Giving) and Ani Zonneveld (President)


On August 25, MPV-DC hosted a film screening of ‘Prince Among Slaves.’
September 8: MPV-DC members are getting together for some hiking in Georgetown followed by lunch. Later in the month, MPV-DC members will meet up for a group dinner.


On August 9,  MPV-NY hosted a Friday Jum’a Prayer and had an excellent discussion on what sacrifice means. Participants reflected on their own experiences with Eid al-Adha and what it would be to have a progressive approach towards the animal sacrifice. Overall, participants discussed alternate ways of observing the sacrifice through a more humane manner. 

September 6:  MPV-NY will be hosting a Friday Jum’a Prayer and an Interfaith Potluck. Members of all faith based communities are encouraged to attend. In addition to the Interfaith potluck, a producer of a documentary called "About Us" will be present to film this event. The documentary is covering types of encounters in the world where different faith groups are building mutual respect together in the society where they live in. In 2018-19, they have been in several different countries to identify strong stories where people, despite their differences, were able to "meet the others," build trust and understanding, and finally were able to not only live together but "do" together i.e., develop projects.To participate and get more information, please sign up either through MPV-NY event page or MPV-NY Meetup.


On August 10, MPV-Boston hosted a second Eid al-Adha service. The service featured prayer and street outreach. A strong khutbah (sermon) was delivered on topics such as Muslims in interfaith dialogue, conflict resolution, science and Islam, contributions of Muslim scholars, and LGBTQIA+ oppression within traditionalist Muslim communities. After service, a mixed gender Salat al-Eid (Eid Prayer) was held for the first time in the greater Boston area, attracting attendees from as far as Connecticut. All members contributed in making lunch bags for the local Boston community, which were served to the homeless in public spaces and local shelters. 

Starting September, MPV-Boston will meet every first Friday of the month from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. for monthly potluck and prayers. MPV-Boston would like to have various speakers for each potluck to share their journeys of progressiveness and knowledge of inclusiveness in Islam. 
MPV · 1626 N. Wilcox Ave., Suite 702 · Los Angeles · California · 90028
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