
Our deadline is just 4 hours away, so I thought I’d reach out one more time to ask you to make a contribution to our matching challenge to support the Biden campaign.

Instead of asking you to make a donation to my campaign, I created a matching challenge to raise $200,000 together for the Biden Victory Fund.

I realize that $200,000 is extremely ambitious. But we must do everything we can to defeat Donald Trump and elect Joe Biden as our next President.

This is the moment to step up, dig deep, and take action together.

Keep in mind, the election is just five weeks away. That means we don’t have a lot of time to gather the resources we need to pull off a big win for Democrats on November 3.

Can you make a donation to help elect Joe Biden before midnight tonight? We set a big goal of raising $200,000 and we need everyone to chip in to reach our goal. We can do this.

In this moment, we must step up and finally bring an end to the Trump presidency. Defeating Donald Trump is not just a preference — it’s a moral imperative. The very future of our democracy is depending on us.

So let’s win.













Congressman Jared Huffman represents California's 2nd District, which spans from the Golden Gate Bridge north to the Oregon border. As a Democratic leader, Jared is committed to protecting our environment, fighting for access to affordable healthcare and equality for all Americans. In accordance with public health guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, Jared has suspended all in-person campaign events and is relying on support from his grassroots contributors to power his campaign. Click here to support Jared's campaign with a contribution today, or sign on to become a sustaining supporter by making a monthly contribution through Election Day.

Paid for by Huffman for Congress, FEC# C00536680
Huffman for Congress
P.O. Box 664
PO Box 664
Petaluma CA 94953-0664 United States

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