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My finance team just sent me a report this morning on our end-of-quarter fundraising numbers. And I’ll be honest – to meet our targets between now and Election Day, we’re going to need your help now.  

We only have until 11:59 p.m. tonight until this quarter’s fundraising numbers are final. This is the funding that’s critical to getting our Indiana Republican ticket first across the finish line.  

Will you rush a $5, $10, $25, or $50 contribution to help us close the gap?

We can’t afford to fall short,
John. Indiana needs to carry the flag for Republicans across the country. Fellow Hoosier Amy Coney Barrett is poised to become the next Supreme Court justice, and our candidates here are fully supporting her! 
But if we lose here, we’ll lose America to the extreme-left Democrats. They’ve already threatened to impeach the President again, abolish the Electoral College or pack the Supreme Court if they return to power! 
Will you chip in to help our Indiana Republican ticket win big and keep Indiana RED? 


Please respond today. We have less than 24 hours to go until this all-important end-of-quarter deadline, and we need EVERY supporter on board
Every dollar counts, and I’m sure that if all of our supporters contributed $5 right now, we will be in a position for victory on November 3rd.  
Thanks for your support, 
Kyle Hupfer 

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