Just wanted to make sure you saw my last note, friend.
There’s so much at stake between now and Election Day on November 3rd. We’re in the midst of an ongoing global pandemic, a changing economy, and a national reckoning with systemic racism.
This election is about what kind of country we are — and what kind of country we want to be. Casting your ballot this year isn’t just about protecting the progress we’ve made, it’s about rebuilding our country and our economy after the damage that this pandemic and four years of Donald Trump’s failed leadership have wrought. I believe we have what it takes to keep Virginia blue and turn the tide in our country, but I need your help.
So if you’re with me, can you chip in a few dollars to keep this campaign moving forward? I can’t do this without your support.
Here’s the donation link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/warner-homestretch.
Thank you.
— Mark Warner
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Mark Warner
Subject: Thank you for being on this team.
Friend —
I am so inspired by the folks in Virginia. We’re facing an incredibly challenging time — a global pandemic, a reckoning with racism in our country, and a rapidly changing economy. But, as I’ve checked in with folks across the Commonwealth, I’ve seen resilience and dedication to protecting the progress we’ve made.
This campaign has felt different from any other; we’re not able to connect in the same ways. One of my favorite parts of campaigning is getting to hear directly from voters, and I have to admit that I’ve been missing the usual parades and large rallies. Still, whether it’s been on Zoom or during socially distanced events, the dedication to keeping Virginia blue is palpable. And I am so grateful for your support — for me, and for Democrats up and down the ticket.
We had record turnout in Virginia on Super Tuesday, and I know that we can match it based on the enthusiasm I’ve seen from folks in every corner of the Commonwealth. In Virginia, we say this every year, but it’s really true this time: This election is one of the most important in our lifetimes. It’s about what kind of country we are — and what kind of country we want to be. No matter how you’re planning to vote this year: by mail with a no-excuse absentee ballot, early in-person, or in-person on Election Day, it’s so critical that you do cast your ballot. And once you’ve made your plan to vote, check in with your friends to make sure they know how to make their voices heard too.
Volunteers on a recent yard sign distribution day (left) and members of Team Warner outside of my first debate with my GOP opponent (right).
I feel it every day, but I don’t say it enough: I love this team. Thank you for being a part of it. I am so grateful for your support and so thankful you’re on this journey with me. If you believe in keeping Virginia blue and have been thinking about supporting the campaign, now is the time. We’ve got fewer than 40 days until Election Day, and we’re counting on your support in the home stretch.
Here’s the donation link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/warner-homestretch.
Thank you for being on the team. Let’s go out and win this.
— Mark Warner