
I know your inbox is probably full of messages right now, so I promise this is the last note from me before the quarter ends!

My finance team and I just had a quick check-in, and it looks like we’re still a few thousand dollars away from hitting our September fundraising goal. With our last quarterly FEC filing deadline coming up at 8:59 PM tonight, time is running out.

Going up against an incumbent with the backing of corporate PACs and other dark money groups, we’ve always been the underdogs in this race to Flip the 3rd – but with every single grassroots contribution folks like you have chipped in piece by piece, we’ve built something truly special and are now only two points behind my opponent in the polls!

This has turned into the most competitive election in Washington state and one of the most heated House races in the entire country. With only one more month until Election Day, it’s now or never to give it our all and make sure we have the resources to put up a strong fight in these final few weeks.

So, before I sign off for the night, will you make a donation of $10 or anything you can afford to help us hit our most important fundraising goal yet?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation to Carolyn Long will go through immediately:

Thanks for everything,

– Carolyn