This is do or die, y’all.

Hank Gilbert for Congress


On the House floor today, Louie Gohmert decided to re-write American history.

You and I both know that the southern states didn’t secede from the Union for any reason other than the preservation of slavery. Yet, on the hallowed floor of one of our nation’s oldest and most august deliberative bodies, our congressman lied and said that it was because they didn’t accept the results of the 1860 election.

What history books are Louie reading?

Never mind that he pulled this stunt on a resolution encouraging a peaceful transfer of power at a time when President Trump is already telling the Proud Boys — some of the same people who caused violence at one of my rallies this year — to “stand up and stand by,” so they can cause violence after he loses this election.

Louie continues to be a national embarrassment to our district. He’s refused to denounce the actions of a white supremacist president, and refuses to denounce violence in his own name by white supremacists right here in our district. Louie isn't a harmless fool, he's wielding his power in Congress trying to excuse Trump's actions and putting us all in danger. It's time to get Gohmert gone — pitch in $5 now to help us hit our end of month goal and start October strong >>>

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Hank Gilbert

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I’m running for Congress because I believe we need a Congressman who will bring a good dose of East Texas values to the halls of Congress. When I’m elected to Congress, I’ll fight for enhanced funding for rural healthcare, massive student loan reform, and economic policies that make sense for East Texas. - Hank