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** CNN's upcoming gay-themed presidential debate is not what you think! ([link removed])
Homosexuals are politically powerful, extremely wealthy and have politicians, entertainers, news media and world leaders eating out of their hands.
They win virtually every legal battle, have their lifestyle promoted in public schools and on television, and are treated like royalty at fashion shows and award ceremonies.
Yet on October 10, in what is being hailed as a “historic LGBTQ presidential town hall” to be aired on CNN, homosexual activists will get the opportunity to ask Democrat presidential candidates how they plan on easing their daily pain and help them overcome their woeful, appalling and downtrodden existence.
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Village demands 9/11 memorial be removed, or pay hefty fines ([link removed])
You may have to do a double take when reading this eye-rubbing story. A woman in Illinois is being told she has to remove a memorial that honors the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks – or face hefty fines.
Leigh Gardella-Wood has 14 days to remove a plague that sits on her property located about 50 miles north of Chicago, or risk paying fines of up to $500 per day.
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The Winthrop Harbor Village outside Chicago said the memorial is "obsolete" and must be removed or face fines up to $500 per day.
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