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Y’all we have been working so hard to make sure that District 8 knows who Marcie Kindred is and that they are out voting for her. We cannot thank you all enough for those that have helped out. We wanted to give you some updates regarding the campaign!

This past weekend we knocked over 100 doors in one of our precincts. If you ever see us in your neighbor with our sweet #Running4HD08 shirts, make sure to give us a wave or a friendly smile. Even in apocalyptic weather conditions and ash falling on our faces, we were out making sure that people knew about Marcie. 


We are always working to contact more and more voters, even this week we will be continuing our phone banking efforts as well as door knocking. Phone banking happens all week long, but door knocking is usually on weekend mornings starting around 9:30am. If you want to be apart of these volunteer campaigns, please reach out to: 


Michael Rotellini | Kindred For Wyoming Staff

Email: [email protected]

Cell: 307-763-2322

(Texting is preferred)


Michael will be able to guide you through whichever volunteer campaign you want to take part in. 


Lastly, Marcie participated in a candidate debate with the League of Women Voters. You can watch that debate at the link below. 



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Committee to Elect Marcie Kindred · PO Box 4262 · Cheyenne, WY 82003-4262 · USA

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