Hello —

I just hit refresh on ActBlue for about the hundredth time today — and it looks like we're still shy of hitting our goal before midnight.

If we come up short at this deadline, I'm going to have to spend tomorrow cutting our budget down for the final weeks of this tossup Senate race.

Look, this race is close and outside Republican groups are hammering us with attacks. So if you can, please donate to Steve's campaign before tonight's FEC deadline to make sure we have the resources to fight back:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for all you do to support our campaign. Steve has spent his career fighting to get big money out of politics. That's why our campaign isn't taking a penny from corporate PACs, just folks like you.

— Megan

Megan Simpson
Campaign Manager
Steve Bullock for U.S. Senate