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This weekly digest highlights BPC's media coverage and our upcoming events. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email Arianny Arias at [email protected].
BPC in the News
Experts from BPC's Immigration, Energy, and Elections Projects gave insight into the proposed citizenship changes for children born abroad, the EPA's methane deregulation plan, and the role states and the federal government should play in securing future U.S. elections:

BPC's Latest Work
The Trump administration has adopted increasingly strict measures to prevent or deter the movement of Central American migrants to the U.S.-Mexico border. Read the newest blog post from BPC's Immigration Project to understand how effective these measures have been in stemming the flow of migrants across the southern border. 
By Cristobal Ramón 
In the latest installment of BPC's 'Dole Leadership Series' podcast, President Jason Grumet sits down with CEO of Occidental Petroleum Vicki Hollub as she discusses her experience becoming the first woman to head a major oil company.
Upcoming Events
Sep. 11
5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET | BPC

BPC will host Derrick Johnson, president and chief executive officer of the NAACP, for an intimate conversation on his experiences and what it means to be a leader. 
Webcast available

Sep. 17
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. ET | BPC
Join us at BPC this Constitution Day, September 17, as we hear from student leaders who are promoting viewpoint diversity and a culture of open exchange on their campuses.
Check out our full events calendar.
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