John --
The start of the NFL season has me thinking about economic opportunity -- please let me explain why.
Not a lot of people know this, but before I went to business school, I was a high school and youth football referee in the Portland and Seattle areas.
I know blowing a whistle and throwing flags might seem a little off-brand, but my job on the field was to enforce the rules. You can’t play the game unless everyone is following the guidelines and competing fairly -- otherwise it’s chaos, and everyone loses. Sometimes, my work in Congress is no different.
Although I’ve left the football field, I’m still a whistleblower when people aren’t playing fair. That’s why I’m advocating for clear rules that safeguard and protect women’s equality in our society -- equality in the workplace, in the home, and in our health care.
I’m building a grassroots team who is just as dedicated as I am in the fight for women’s equality. Can I count on you to be a part of my offensive line as we move into 2020? Chip in $3 or whatever you can today to help out.
Protecting women’s rights shouldn’t be left to a coin toss or to chance, because when women succeed, the world succeeds. I’ve been advocating for economic equality since day one. On average, a woman still earns only 79 cents for every dollar a man makes, and this is holding our economy and our communities back.
This year, people across the nation showered the Women’s National Team with support in their fight for equal pay. But we can’t stop there, John. We must continue advocating for laws that hold employers accountable and push for fairness in the workplace.
I’ve never been one to sit on the sidelines when I see injustice happening. Or when I see people breaking the rules -- or in this case, the law.
So, I need my best grassroots team by my side as we head into another legislative session next week. Will you contribute today and be a part of my fight for equality? Every little bit helps me keep fighting to level the playing field so every American can succeed.
Go Seahawks!
Thank you,
Suzan DelBene
PO Box 477, Kirkland, WA 98083
Paid for by DelBene for Congress
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