PFAW Member, This is it. We were already on the front lines of the fight to save American democracy and END Trump’s presidency, in the most important election of any of our lifetimes…. Now, with the passing of yet another one of our heroes, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we’re in the most consequential fight for the future of the Supreme Court in modern times… just imagine Trump getting a THIRD Supreme Court justice confirmed, creating a devastating 6-3 far-right majority. We're going for broke and putting every resource we can muster into defeating Trump, McConnell's Senate Republicans, and their Supreme Court power grab. We need the strongest showing of support yet from PFAW members for the most important deadline of the year TONIGHT at midnight. All donation 300%-MATCHED until the deadline! Chip in anything you can right now to stop Trump and McConnell and save our Court!>> We’ve been producing ads, organizing in Senate target states, and building the movement needed to save our Court and our democracy … we know that both the election fight and the fight to keep another extreme Trump nominee off the Court are fights for the soul and future of our country and that we must fight like hell to win BOTH. PFAW was built for this moment. We know you trust us to lead this fight … it’s why you’re reading this email right now, and please know that it’s a responsibility we take more seriously than anything. We won’t let you down. But this campaign alone is going to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars so we need your support … now more than ever. All donations 300%-MATCHED: Give anything you can right now to stop Trump Republicans and save RBG’s seat from another unfit, anti-health care Trump nominee!>> It took Mitch McConnell only about an hour after the news of RBG’s passing to dishonor her memory, putting out a statement to assure the Radical Right that “President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.” We will do everything in our power to stop another Trump nominee from being confirmed and hold Republicans accountable at the ballot box if they ram through an unprecedented power grab and thwart the clear will of the People. We are ready for this fight. We have mountains of research showing that Trump’s main litmus test for judicial nominees is opposition to Americans' health care, even as the coronavirus continues to ravage our country. And we know that his nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, is an ideological extremist who wants to take lifesaving health care away from people with pre-existing conditions (like COVID-19). Despite what Republican senators have already said about their intent to support a confirmation vote, several of them are in extremely close reelection fights and we will make sure that their support for any Trump nominee instead of letting the People decide, this close to the election, will cost them their seat … and we’ll make sure they know it. Donate now to be part of the fight! Your donation will be TRIPLE-MATCHED>> Mitch McConnell already STOLE one Supreme Court seat for Trump, after delaying consideration of President Obama’s nominee Merrick Garland for 237 days before the 2016 election. Now McConnell and other far-right Republicans are embracing their own hypocrisy … they think they won’t be held accountable for their naked power grabs. We’re going to prove them wrong. But we need you help to do it. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment like never before. Please give as generously as you can and your entire donation will be 3X-MATCHED>> Thank you for everything you do! -- Ben, Lizet, Marge, Laurie, Kevin, Diallo, and all of our respective teams at PFAW (we are ALL going all-in on this fight, and we hope you will join us)