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Liberal Democrat Attorney General nominee Jonathan Weinzapfel supports Election Day chaos. Todd Rokita wants to protect your ballot!
Just yesterday, a federal judge ruled that the State of Indiana is unable to administer our own elections. Instead of maintaining the practice of having all absentee ballots returned on Election Day, a judge decided that ballots can trickle in for several days afterwards, delaying the outcome and possibly opening vote counting to nefarious activity.
And where does liberal Jonathan Weinzapfel stand on this?
As Attorney General, Weinzapfel would allow such activist rulings to occur without defending Hoosiers. He supports this decision to arbitrarily extend Election Day and delay vote counting.
Thankfully, the Attorney General’s Office is fighting this ruling, something, if elected, Todd Rokita would do as well. We know where liberal Jonathan Weinzapfel stands. He wouldn’t lift a finger.

Defend Your Rights: Support Todd Rokita for Attorney General!

If Jonathan Weinzapfel won’t defend your fundamental voting rights, what other laws will he not defend?

  • Will he defend the sanctity of life?
  • Will he defend your Second Amendment Rights?
  • Will he defend our brave men and women in law enforcement?

It’s clear: Jonathan Weinzapfel will outsource legislative duties to an activist judicial branch. That’s not how our system was designed and not what Hoosiers want in an Attorney General.

If you want to make sure we elect Todd Rokita this Novemebr -- and stop Weinzapfel and his liberal agenda in its tracks -- please consider donating $10, $25, $50 or $100 today.
We need an Attorney General who will vigorously defend our elections, our laws, and our rights.

Todd Rokita will be that Attorney General.

-Your Indiana Republican Party

Defend Your Rights: Support Todd Rokita for Attorney General!
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