
I hope you're doing well and staying safe.

Look -- it's not fun for me to ask for your financial support, but it's important. Here is why.

While our opponent has no problem spending millions on her ad buy, we are a grassroots funded operation. Each lawn sign printed, each ad we get on TV, each mailer we send to voters -- that's paid for by supporters like you.

That's why this final FEC quarterly goal matters so much -- it makes the difference between us getting our ad on the air and getting voters info on our work and our policies or not. So, what do you say, can you chip in $5 or anything you can before midnight tonight to help hit this goal?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Serving my community has been my priority for my entire career. From community organizing for environmental justice to serving on the city council with a progressive agenda, I've been able to bring people to the table and get real results on climate, on police reform, on COVID relief.

This campaign is making history in so many ways, and you and I both know how hard it can be for people like me to get to positions of power. I don't have billionaire relatives and unlimited resources.

But we do have something so much stronger: We have supporters like you.

Bit by bit, we are building up a team capable of taking on any challenge and winning -- bringing real progressive policies and our community to Congress.

With just 34 days left until the election and under 12 hours until the FEC deadline passes, I need you to step up once again to make history. Can you pitch in $5 right now? Thanks so much, we're lucky to have you on this team.

-- Georgette