It. Is. On, folks.

As you know, our FEC fundraising deadline is tonight at midnight and ballots will be mailed out in just over a week.

The polls show an incredibly tight race between John and Cory Gardner — we’re only up by 5% in one of the latest polls!

So to be clear — this deadline is really important because many Coloradans are just tuning into this race and we’ve got to make sure we have the resources to fight back against the GOP attacks or risk our lead disappearing overnight.

That’s why this FEC deadline matters so much. It’s one of our last opportunities to fully fund our final paid media campaign. So, we have to make sure our team has everything they need to win:

Make a $10 donation to John Hickenlooper’s Senate campaign before tonight’s FEC fundraising deadline. This is the moment that will determine whether or not we have what it takes to win this race. Please chip in whatever you can today:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

All our best,

— Team Hick