Dear John,
2020 has been a heartbreaking and challenging year, and we have so much work to do today if we want to secure a better tomorrow. But—just for a moment—let’s reflect back on one year ago and how much progress we’ve made toward our shared mission of transforming the economy to build a more sustainable future.
We’ve just released our 2019 Ceres Annual Report where we chart the impact we’ve had on the four global challenges we set forth in the Ceres Strategic Plan. |
With our global collaborations, influential networks of investors and companies, and the support of our mission-driven donors and funders, we are able to play a unique role in driving systemic change throughout the economy.
Together, we:
Inspire and empower investors and companies to make bolder commitments to improve water use, transition to clean energy and support equitable workplaces.
Support and help pass policies that advance clean energy, clean transportation and better water stewardship.
Accelerate efforts to change the rules and practices of capital markets to better support the transition to a net-zero economy.
So take a moment to reflect on all that we’ve achieved together in our new Annual Report. You’ll also find our most recent sustainability report, financial statement, some impressive growth numbers, and most importantly ... a list of our generous funders and supporters who make all of this work possible. |
Thank you for all you do to help us get to a just and sustainable future.
The Ceres Team |