John --
We can only hope voters paid close attention to the different plans
of President Trump and Joe Biden. The President's plan is about
recovery for our economy and our schools, law and order, and
developing a vaccine as quickly as possible.
While Biden advocated a far-left agenda and spoke negatively about
our nation, President Trump forcefully defended the United States and
its where we can go from here.

There were many points of contention and
President Trump spoke of his support for better, more affordable
healthcare, while Joe Biden supports single-payer, government-run
On the Supreme Court, President Trump committed to appointing
experienced, strict constructionist individuals to the Supreme Court.
Biden refused to answer the question of whether he would pack the
Supreme Court... just how radical this proposition is? The radical
left would own the Supreme Court indefinitely.
On the Covid-19 pandemic, President Trump delivered the necessary
resources and made decisions to save lives. Joe Biden wants to shut
down the economy and kill jobs.
On the economy, President Trump oversaw the greatest economy in the
history of our nation, while Biden was part of the administration who
led the slowest economic recovery in the history of our nation. And on
their watch, tens of thousands of jobs were displaced to China.
On law and order, President Trump supports our brave law
enforcement officers and peace in our streets, while Biden ignored the
violence in the streets until polling showed he was losing on the
issue. Biden couldn't name one law enforcement group that supports
On the climate, President Trump has put in reasonable regulations
that have enabled our economy to thrive. Biden wants to implement the
$100 trillion Green New Deal, ban fracking and kill hundreds of
thousands of jobs. While Biden said the Green New Deal is not part of
his platform yet, it is at the top of his website.
While President Trump spoke up for the work his administration has
done to improve our military and veterans services, Biden blamed Trump
for Covid-19, the economic shutdown, fires in California, hurricanes,
storms... I'm surprised he didn't blame the President for burning down
Cheryl's she-shed.
At the same time, when the President mentioned the fact that Hunter
Biden received a $3.5 million payment from a Russian oligarch, Biden
said "not true." Biden is dishonest. That is an undisputed, documented
fact. All citizens must consider our future when casting their
Perhaps, what was most telling was Joe Biden reaffirming that he is
the Democratic Party today. That was an admission that he agrees with
the policies of extreme liberals like Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Chuck
Schumer and AOC.
The choice is clear… President Trump has
done more for the United States and hardworking American families in
47 months than Joe Biden has done in 47 years of collecting a taxpayer
paycheck in the swamp.
Don’t be surprised if Joe Biden refuses to debate the President
See you soon,
