Dear John,

Take action to remind Congress the dangers that industrial fish farms pose to our oceans.

Just last year Friends of the Earth members like you helped block a bill that would give permits to industrial ocean fish farms. However, the bill has now been reintroduced in Congress, a move that will hand over our oceans to these massive facilities. Take action to fight industrial fish farms.

This time even more corporations have joined together and lobbied Congress to permit this industry and its nasty pollution. These corporate-owned operations are essentially floating factory farms that devastate our ocean ecosystem, public health, society and the economy.

We still have a chance to stop this bill and protect our oceans from these polluting facilities. But we need you to speak up now! John, can we count on your support?

Help protect our oceans: Tell Congress to oppose industrial ocean fish farms!

Industrial ocean fish farms contain hundreds of thousands of farmed fish that can spill into the surrounding ocean. These facilities pollute the water with untreated fish waste, excess feed, agricultural drugs and pesticides, and heavy metals and chemicals. They spread disease and pests, threaten wildlife, and are putting truly sustainable seafood producers out of business.

In August 2017, a fish farm in Washington State spilled more than 263,000 non-native salmon into Puget Sound. This put the Pacific Northwest’s wild salmon population at risk and polluted the ocean ecosystem. It is a glaring reminder of how dangerous industrial ocean fish farms can be.

But the federal government is charging full-steam ahead with dangerous proposals to advance this risky industry along our coasts.

Thanks to engaged Friends of the Earth members like you, we stopped this disastrous federal bill in its tracks last year. But corporations have lobbied Congress again to persuade them to hand over our oceans, and Congress seems to be listening. But with your help we can pressure Congress to make the right decision and protect our oceans!

Take action now: Demand that your members of Congress protect our marine wildlife and reject floating factory farms!

Industrial ocean fish farms are not the answer to meeting seafood demand. Farming massive populations of fish in the open ocean causes extreme harm to existing wild fish stocks and their precious habitat -- and it puts sustainable seafood producers out of business. The only ones who benefit are the corporations who manage the facilities.

Rather than throw its support behind industrial fish farms in our oceans, our government should be devoting resources to aiding sustainable seafood production alternatives.

You can remind Congress that it should be protecting our coasts, not handing them over to mega-corporations and factory farms. Members like you helped derail this disastrous legislation before -- now we need you with us again!

Help send 40,000 signatures to Congress: Remind your legislators that we will not stand for factory farms in our oceans!

Standing with you,
Hallie Templeton,
Senior oceans campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
