Hi Friend,
I’m struck by how often our nation’s leaders fail to discuss the human factors that drive ecological devastation and climate change. Considering that every major environmental challenge we face is either directly caused by or made worse by human activity, the “population connection” shouldn’t be hard to make.
Population pressures pose grave threats to our health and environment. And yet, by ensuring access to safe and effective reproductive health care for all, we can forge a more sustainable future on a livable planet. It’s a small investment that pays enormous dividends, both for advancing human rights and protecting our environment.
That’s why I hope you’ll join our summer matching gift challenge today. You can provide a much-needed boost to Population Connection’s critical work. Together, we’re educating young people about population issues, advocating for universal access to reproductive health care, and communicating to diverse audiences the critical need to stabilize global population, while we still can!
And, thanks to a trio of generous supporters, your gift will go twice as far…up to $175,000!
The opportunity to double your support of our programs ends next week. Please consider a gift of $30.00 now.
I hope you’ll stand with us—our collective efforts for a better future are needed now more than ever.
Thank you for all that you do,

John Seager
President and CEO