Last night's presidential debate was a train wreck. Americans are furious, and we deserve better.
Here's what some people are saying about tonight's disaster:
ROBERT GIBBS, FORMER OBAMA WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: "We need to hear tomorrow from the Presidential Commission on Debates. They must outline a plan for how this is going to work going forward including cutting off mics for interrupting. 2020 is far too important to have two more episodes of that. Because that was not a debate."
JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR: "That was a hot mess. Inside a dumpster fire. Inside a train wreck. That was the worst debate I have ever seen. It wasn't even a debate. It was a disgrace. And it's primarily because of President Trump."
DAVID AXELROD, FORMER OBAMA SENIOR ADVISOR: Next debate, moderator has to cut mics.
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