From Brian Derrick <[email protected]>
Subject personally reaching out
Date September 30, 2020 2:16 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

Thank you so much for hanging in there with us and the recent increase in emails.

Trust me -- it's for a good reason: The success of our campaign depends on grassroots supporters like you responding to these emails and generously chipping in when possible.

Your contributions directly impact our ability to connect with New Jersey voters before Election Day and strengthen our chances of re-electing Mikie and defending the House Majority.

And right now, we're coming up short of our final FEC end-of-quarter goal of the election with fewer than 24 hours to go until the deadline.

We're matching all contributions made through midnight tonight, so please -- if you can, chip in right now and double your impact. We might not have the chance to match contributions again before Election Day.

Thanks and talk soon,


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