How will Trump and Biden actually run their tax policies? What will an Amy Coney Barrett court look like?
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September 29, 2020
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Turkey Gets Involved in Azerbaijan-Armenian Conflict ([link removed] )
The United States and other leading NATO powers need to send Erdogan a message that they have no intention of allowing themselves to become entangled in a conflict with Russia over a chronic dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
- NATO's Rogue Member Meddles in Another Conflict ([link removed] )
By Ted Galen Carpenter
Taxes ([link removed] )
The Figures Behind Biden and Trump Tax Policies ([link removed] )
Penn-Wharton’s budget team has produced new estimates of the effects of Joe Biden’s fiscal proposals. This post looks at PW’s tax distribution estimates.
- Trump and Biden Tax Policies ([link removed] )
By Chris Edwards
Amy Coney Barrett and Government Accountability ([link removed] )
BaileyAuthorPhotoRightSized ([link removed] )
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Would a Justice Amy Coney Barrett hold government officials to high standards? With whom is she most aligned on the High Court? Andrew Grossman explains.
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