Dear Friend:


WHAT: Weekly NC Green Party Hawkins/Walker Campaign Statewide Volunteer Zoom Meeting

WHEN: Wednesday Sep. 30 @ 8:00 p.m. (and every Wednesday afterwards through election week!) Once you sign up for this zoom you will be automatically registered for future Wed Zooms and any future updates about time changes/etc! 

WHERE: Weekly Zoom Video Conference. Please register in advance for this meeting.

(Never used Zoom before? It's FREE and easy to download. To watch the Zoom call you need to download the Zoom app at Zoom.usHere is a 1-minute video on how to join a Zoom call.)

Did you catch the empty politics and political charade played by candidates and corporate media alike last night? If anyone wasn't certain that our futures are not safe in the hands of politicians from either podium who are only there to serve their own interests and the interests of the rich and to defeat any meaningful progress for people and planet.. that was on full display during last night's debates!  

Last week, we had a great turn-out for our Statewide Hawkins/Walker Volunteer Zoom Call! Dozens of volunteers attended from every corner of the state! We will have notes available at the Zoom tonight for anyone that missed it!

Our first meeting was so successful that we will decided to have weekly Zoom calls every Weds evening. They should typically be at 8PM! 

If you cannot attend but still want to volunteer, you can let us know by signing up at

Let's get out the vote for Green Party candidates Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker! It is critical to all Green Party supporters who want our candidates to succeed to be present at our organizing meeting or to sign up to volunteer! Why? The only way to ensure automatic ballot access through 2024 for the NCGP is for our candidates Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker to win at least 2% of the votes for president in 2020.

Our target voters certainly “stealing” votes from anyone—they are people who want something different and have no faith in continuing the same failed strategies; they're people who are fed up with our undemocratic electoral system. Break the two party 

The past two federal elections have cost more than eleven billion dollars. Unlike the corporate political mafias that rule our elections, offer empty politics and call themselves parties, the NCGP is a real member-driven party.

We will be earning our votes, and we are confident that a large percentage of potential voters are our base. Our base includes people who are fed up with our rigged elections and people who are fed up with corporate politicians who serve rich donors and Wall St. lobbyists and war profiteers. Our base also includes people who are less than enthusiastic about voting for politics-as-usual and for politicians who betray their platform. None of our most urgent problems will be significantly addressed by either a President Biden or a President Trump. The same corporate media that viciously attacked attempts by Sanders supporters to pull the Democrats toward even mild reforms is using these fear tactics and virtual blackouts of independent candidates. This tells us what we already know: that we need to stand even stronger for what we want, and that's real change! 


We're fundraising to get out the vote for the Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker presidential ticket in North Carolina and to increase NC Green Party registration! Our goal: win at least 2% of the vote for Hawkins/Walker in our state. Two percent means the NCGP automatically retains its ballot line for 4 more years to run Green candidates. Otherwise we may lose ballot access for several months or longer, and we will be required to collect tens of thousands of petition signatures.

Donate now to help us organize for H20—and to build the North Carolina Green Party. The two major parties have utterly failed the people and the planet. Help us build our own political power independent of the two capitalist parties!

Your donation will be used for:

  • Increasing voter registration and candidate interest for 2020–2024.
  • Sending out mailers to statewide registered Greens.
  • More signage and getting signs to volunteers in every town—rural as well as larger cities! 
  • Door hangers and other important materials for Get Out the Vote and membership-building efforts.
  • Training volunteers and having limited volunteer stipends. 
  • Putting materials on campuses and other areas with a large percentage of likely voters.
  • Other critical volunteer materials including PPE, hats, and badges.
  • Phonebanking and textbanking for GOTV and membership drives.

Want to donate AND become a member of NC Green Party?

Kind Regards and Solidarity,

NC Green Party

NC Green Party · 146 Robert Alston Jr, Pittsboro, NC 27312, United States
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