
We are way behind our goals and there are only weeks left to take advantage of a generous donor's offer to match ever online donation we can raise between now and Election Day.

Please make an urgent online donation to help USTL's national effort to educate voters about which candidates support term limits and which do not.

Voters need this information.

They need to know which candidates for state office support the Term Limits Convention which will finally impose term limits on Capitol Hill.

So we are working overtime to recruit volunteers to make calls and blanket key districts across the country with term limits voter education mailers.

That's why this donor's  offer to match all online donations is so important.

So we need every supporter who can to donate whatever they can afford.

$10, $20, $50, $100 or even $200 or $500 will help us take another giant step forward this fall in imposing term limits on the House and Senate.

Please help.

Our national Pledge Team is trying to force every candidate for state and federal office to take a public stand on term limits.

That way term limit voters can choose who to support or oppose this fall.

And, as we go state to state we hopefully will have even more allies and convince even more states to call the Term Limits Convention! 

That's why I need your help today.

If you can contribute $15, it will be matched to $30.

If you can donate $25, it will be matched to make it $50.

If you can give $50, it will become $100.

No matter what you can afford to donate it will be matched!

Please make the very best donation you can to this effort.

Again, we only have weeks left to take advantage of this generous offer.

Every dollar we raise will be doubled!

That means we can send out more mailings and run more online ads. 

More term limits voters then will be educated about which candidates share their values.

That puts us even closer to our goal of bypassing Congress entirely by convincing the states to call the Term Limits Convention.

Please, help.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Phil Blumel



U.S. Term Limits
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 700  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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