Wednesday, September 30th, 2020

Covid-19 Coronavirus & Testosterone

Bill Sardi

Ron Paul Remains Unstoppable

Jeff Deist

The Catholic Position

Joseph Sobran.

Could the Covid Vaccine Be Canceled Before the First Injection?

Follow-up: the astounding failure of all three Covid vaccine clinical trials. Jon Rappoport

Time To End Ridiculous Prostitution Laws

Laurence M. Vance

‘Science’ Proves You’re a Racist!

David Cole

Philosophers and Ploughmen

And Ira Katz.

The Only Thing Systematic Is the Destruction of America

Jim Quinn

Colder ‘Climate Change’ Blamed for Excess Deaths in World War I

Anthony Watts

Read The NY Times’s ‘Scoop’ on Trump’s Tax Returns andYou’ll See – From Its Own Weak Evidence – It Really Is Just Fake News

David Haggith

The Real Cost of Wind and Solar

Norman Rogers

Bioweapon Labs Get More NIH Funding for Deadly ‘Research’

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

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