Placing another Trump appointee on the Court will put millions of Americans' affordable care on the chopping block. Healthcare must be seen as a human right -- not a privilege only for those who can


Tonight during the first presidential debate Donald Trump had no answer for his administration’s failure to contain COVID-19 that has resulted in the death of over 200,000 Americans. And, he failed to lay out any plan to rebuild our nation’s economy from the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Yet, somehow, he found time to make a bizarre, incoherent, and objectively false attack on Portland and vote-by-mail.
Here’s the truth: The greatest threat to our democracy is Donald Trump himself.
As the People's Attorney, I will use every tool at my disposal to ensure he does not undermine this election. Oregon has been voting by mail safely for decades and we will do it again this year. I have fought successfully against the Trump administration’s plan to undermine the USPS and we will continue to watch closely to make sure that Trump and DeJoy can’t rig this election.
Together, we can stand up against this failed President and ensure that the people’s voice is heard come November.
Let’s do this,


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