John— it’s hard to say what we just witnessed at the Presidential Debate, but one thing is clear: President Trump refused to condemn white supremacy in front of the American people.

When asked directly by the moderator if he would condemn white supremacists and militia groups, Donald Trump could not do it. Instead, he told the white supremacist group the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by…”

That’s right, John, the President of the United States refused to condemn white supremacy. And then he called a hate group to arms.

Donald Trump continues to incite violence by heavily armed, far-right, extremist groups, and we will not stand for it. That's why Brady is working harder than ever to elect Joe Biden to the White House, flip the U.S. Senate to a gun safety majority, and elect Brady-endorsed champions to statehouses across the country. Right now, any amount you give will be TRIPLED and go directly toward our lifesaving work. Will you donate now and stand against Trump and white supremacy? >>

Now, the internet is swirling with replies from the Proud Boys, saying they are armed and ready, at Trump's will. This comes after last week when members of the Proud Boys gathered in Portland in a show of power and intimidation against Black Lives Matter and antiracist activists. Many were armed with multiple firearms, including AR-15s.
Since 2011, there have been 17 white-supremacist-led mass shootings, from Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, to Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Yet Trump refuses to speak out against this kind of violence, let alone so much as consider taking common-sense action to prevent it, like enacting an assault weapon ban or universal background checks.
We know the cost of a President who refuses to condemn white supremacist: It’s innocent lives lost. Your support is more important than ever— your donation will be TRIPLED and go directly toward funding our lifesaving work. John, can we count on you to donate right now and have your gift triple-matched? >>

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Brady President