Dear John --

National has momentum

We have seen from public polling that New Zealanders are thinking about who will provide the best leadership for New Zealand in the coming three years.

And their answer is increasingly a National-led government.

In this morning’s New Zealand Herald, polling showed 43% of New Zealanders trust National to rebuild the economy – ahead of Labour on 39%.

That’s because Judith Collins and National have a strong economic plan which will grow the economy and create jobs.

National’s Economic and Fiscal Plan will put more money into Kiwis’ back pockets, while encouraging businesses to invest and create jobs.

This plan is fully costed and has been independently verified by the NZIER. 

We will provide a 16 month temporary cut to income tax that will put money in millions of New Zealanders’ pockets – stimulating our economy and getting people back to work. That means $3000 dollars for the average earner.

It is part of our wider comprehensive five point strategy to deal with the economic and jobs crisis to grow our economy, lift incomes and create jobs.

  • Responsible economic management
  • Delivering infrastructure
  • Reskilling and retraining our workforce
  • A greener, smarter future
  • Building stronger communities.

National will provide the leadership and a clear plan with experienced leadership.

Labour haven’t have fronted with an economic plan – they probably don’t have one.

Kind regards



Gerry Brownlee
Campaign Chair

P.S: Your Party Vote for National will deliver strong experienced MPs into the Parliament. They will provide a strong base to form a National-led government. A vote for any other party, is a vote for Labour.

John, will you help us get our strong message in front of as many Kiwis as possible?

Click here to chip in $30

Click here to chip in $50

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Every dollar you contribute will mean you’ve directly helped us reach another voter with our message. Only a National Government, with Judith Collins as Prime Minister, can provide the leadership and experience necessary to rebuild our economy in this time of crisis.


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