
Tomorrow is Jason's last FEC end-of-quarter deadline. This is the most important deadline that we've had yet -- it's the final deadline before Colorado voters receive their ballots and our numbers will be public. Every dollar, nickel, and penny that we've raised this quarter will be picked through by our opponent and their dark money donors.

And right now, we're still behind on our $50,000 end-of-quarter goal, so we need your help.

Supporter Record for [email protected]
Quarter 3 Donor Status: Non-donor
Suggested Donation: Chip in $5 now ยป

If just 5 percent of supporters reading this email pledge a contribution of $5, we'll have the $15,693 we need to stay on course. Make a $5 contribution before tomorrow at midnight >>

On Thursday, I don't want to tell Jason any bad news that we didn't make our goal. We can't afford to look weak at a critical moment like this.

Look, team, things like gun safety, health care, civil rights, our environment, and holding this administration accountable are on the line in this election. It's never been more important that we come together to support a leader like Jason to keep defending our democracy in Congress.

If you're with us in the most crucial election of our lifetime and the most important deadline before Election Day, then chip in now before MIDNIGHT tomorrow.

Thank you,

Celia Stockwell
Finance Assistant
Jason Crow for Congress

Now more than ever, we need strong leaders like Jason working for us in Congress. We're closing in on the final critical weeks of this race, and anything you can give will go a long way since we're not taking a dime of corporate PAC money. So if you're able, please consider supporting Jason's 2020 re-election campaign with a weekly recurring donation today.


This email was sent to: [email protected]

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Contributions or gifts to Jason Crow for Congress are not tax deductible.

Paid for by Jason Crow for Congress

Jason Crow for Congress
PO Box 32145
Aurora, CO 80041-2145