
We’ve got some exciting news -- Georgette’s latest ad just launched!

Watch the new ad here to see why Georgette is the only candidate in this race to fight for CA-53. Then, chip in so we can keep this ad on the airwaves >>
WATCH OUR NEW AD: Georgette Gómez: First LGBTQ Latina Council President
Ballots are hitting mailboxes soon. Our heiress opponent has spent millions of family dollars to try and buy her way through the election while hiding where exactly this money is coming from -- by hiding her tax returns, just like President Trump.

This ad gives the voters of CA-53 the opportunity to see their choice in this election: Someone who will work to preserve family wealth and keep money hands in the rich, or someone who dedicates her life to fighting for working families.

We have to keep this ad on the air. And that’s where you come in, friend. Can you watch and then pitch in $5 so we can show the district what Georgette is about?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Georgette’s counting on us. We can’t let her down.

-- Team Gómez