Our Voice for Children September 2020 An Historic Announcement This month, we proudly announced the appointment of Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson to be the next President and CEO of the Children's Defense Fund. Dr. Wilson is a thought leader in racial justice, community organizing, and movement building, as well as a long-time member of the CDF family. We're incredibly honored to follow his leadership at this pivotal time for America's children. What the Supreme Court Means for Children The Supreme Court is one of the most powerful forces shaping the lives of children and the world we are leaving for them. In the coming months alone, the Court is poised to hear a number of cases that could have potentially catastrophic impacts on the health, safety, and well-being of children, and which are expected to be decided on extremely close margins. As Senators consider the confirmation of a new Justice, it is imperative they do so with the interests of children in mind. Voter Resources for 2020 Children can't vote, but they have so much at stake in this election—and that's why they are counting on you to make a plan to vote on their behalf. Visit our Voter Action Center to find everything you need to make a plan to vote smartly and safely. Did you know that voter registration deadlines begin as early as next week in some states? Make sure you're registered to vote now > Our Advocacy for Children As our country continues to reel from the COVID-19 pandemic and reckon with long-overlooked symptoms of racial injustice, our state and national policy teams continue to fight to ensure that families—particularly families of color and low-income families—have what they need to survive and thrive. Here are some of the ways we advocated for children and their families this month:
Immigration: We condemned a U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that puts Temporary Protected Status (TPS), which protects families who cannot safely return to their country of origin, at risk. Learn more.
Child Poverty: We underscored that the new Census data showing 10.5 million children lived in poverty in 2019 does not tell the full story of the child poverty crisis in an America shaped by COVID-19. Learn more.
Child Poverty: CDF-California welcomed the expansion of the California Earned Income Tax Credit to finally include immigrant tax filers after years of organizing and advocacy. Learn more.
Education: We highlighted a sobering report that learning losses caused by COVID-19 may translate to lower lifetime earnings, especially for the most vulnerable children. Learn more.
Child Health: We elevated new Census data that show the number of children who are uninsured has shamefully risen for the third year in a row after decades of hard-fought progress. Learn more. Breonna Taylor and the Invisibility of Black Women and Girls in America From the time that Black women enter this world, they are devalued. We see evidence of this in the 48 women who have been murdered by police in the last five years—and the fact that only one police officer has been found guilty in those murders. We also see it in the way that we allow a broken system to hold Black women and girls back by means of poverty, unequal access to health care, inequitable education, the cradle to prison pipeline, and so much more. It is time that the humanity of Black women and girls is treated as such. Help make sure vulnerable children will not get left behind as our country responds to this pandemic. Donate to the Children in Crisis Fund > Join Us for the 29th Annual National Observance of Children's Sabbaths® Celebration Our annual multi-faith Children's Sabbath weekend engages places of worship across the country in focusing prayers, worship, education programs, and action on learning more about the urgent problems facing our nation's children. Join us during the weekend of October 16-18, 2020, or engage your place of worship on a date that works for you. Apply Today to Sponsor a CDF Freedom Schools® Site during Summer 2021! The CDF Freedom Schools program is a literacy and cultural enrichment program aimed at empowering children, families, and communities to believe in their ability to make a difference. We are seeking schools, community organizations, faith-based organizations, institutes of higher education, or other organizations eager to empower change-makers in their communities who would like to host a CDF Freedom Schools site during summer 2021. Child Watch Roundup In a Child Watch column published this month, Marian Wright Edelman remembered her beloved friend and towering civil rights servant leader Representative John Lewis. Catch up on the rest of Marian Wright Edelman's recent Child Watch columns: Be sure to sign up to receive Marian Wright Edelman's Child Watch column directly to your inbox every Friday. Forward to a friend | Unsubscribe Children's Defense Fund© All rights reserved 840 First St NE, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20002 |