We’re running out of time to get out the vote for Democrats like Cory.

Team –

It’s Tuesday, September 29th. Do you know what that means?

Election Day is exactly five weeks from today!

We’re truly in the final stretch of the most important election in our lifetimes. Tonight is the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. And tomorrow night is our very last end-of-quarter FEC fundraising deadline before voters make their voices heard.

In order to flip the Senate and remove Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader, it’s absolutely critical that we re-elect Cory and support competitive Democratic candidates all across the country (you may have seen Cory hard at work on Twitter fundraising for them the past week!).

It’s now or never. What we report to the FEC tomorrow at midnight will determine how much we can scale up our campaign in its final month.

So we have to ask:

Can you make a grassroots donation of $5 (that’s $1 for every week left until Election Day) to support Cory and help us flip the Senate in five short weeks?


Thanks for all you do to have Cory’s back and help us flip the Senate.

— Team Booker

PS: If you can, make your $5 donation recurring! Pitching in $5 every week from now until November 3 will make an even bigger impact on our people-powered campaign.