In just two weeks, I'll walk the final mile of my 600-mile journey from Atlanta to the steps of the Capitol building in D.C. to demand action on America's corruption crisis. And I really need your support.
September 20th and 21st are the final days of this historic walk and sit-in on the Capitol steps, and I want you to be there with me. Will you join me for the final mile of the walk to D.C.?
On August 6th, I started the Democracy911 walk with my first step in Atlanta. I have a simple message: Our political system is in a state of emergency, and the American people demand action from our nation's leaders.
Every day for the past month, I've walked up to 20 miles through the rain and the summer heat – narrowly escaping severe hurricane weather in the Carolinas. I met with incredible people in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia. They all share our demands: a government of, by, and for the people... not special interests.
When I get to the steps of the Capitol building, I will sit there until our leaders respond with a plan to reform our broken political system.
Join me on September 20th & 21st to walk the last mile into Washington, D.C., and sit on the Capitol steps to demand action to fix our broken political system.
History shows that when thousands of us speak as one, we can push our government to act. Now is the time for all of us who believe in this mission to step up and give voice to these demands.
RSVP now, and we'll share more details with you in the coming days.
Renaldo Pearson RepresentUs
PS. If you can't join in person but want to support people who come to complete the walk, please consider making a donation to fund supplies and lodging.  |