EOQ – the end of the quarter – is like the finance director olympics...except it’s every four months instead of four years .

This EOQ is especially important because it’s our last one before the election – our last chance to make a major impact and set ourselves up for success going into this final month. What each of you gives between now and Oct. 1st will be our chance to plan for how far our reach can be in these final weeks:


When this campaign first began, I told Ayodele I wanted to forgo the traditional idea of having a 3-4 person fundraising team for a campaign this size. I did that because I know that where every single dollar goes on a campaign matters, and I wanted to ensure every dollar you give is going where it can be most effective.

When you give today, you’ll be giving to a campaign with an opportunity to make history on November 3rd, and we’ll use every bit of the power you give us through your donation to get Qasim there. Donate now.

Thank you,



Qasim Rashid is a human rights lawyer who has dedicated his life to supporting women who are survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and to serving children from vulnerable communities. Qasim is running to transform his advocacy into results for the working families of Virginia’s 1st District.

Qasim aspires for a campaign built on transparency and trust, and is putting in the work to connect with voters districtwide. Together, you and Qasim, can make Virginia an even better place to call home.
Contribute now.



Paid for and authorized by Rashid for VA

Rashid for VA
PO BOX 489
United States