Expanding Medicaid remains one of my proudest decisions as governor. Securing health coverage for almost 450,000 hardworking Louisianans was the right thing to do, and the early results speak for themselves. 

A recent study by Tulane University found that, of those who gained coverage through Medicaid expansion, the number of people who reported that they couldn’t see a doctor due to medical cost dropped by 27%, and the number of people who didn’t take their medication as prescribed due to cost dropped by 66%. On top of that, because of Medicaid expansion, zero of Louisiana’s rural hospitals have closed, which cannot be said of our neighboring states.

Despite the clear benefits for our people and state, my opponents are determined to undercut Medicaid expansion. That’s why this reelection campaign is so crucial. We’re defending the progress we’ve made as a state, and I need the help of folks like you to make that happen. 

Before midnight, I need to show that 2,000 supporters stand with me on protecting Medicaid expansion. Let me know where you stand now:

Do you support Medicaid expansion?