![]() I’m fired up and ready to go. Thanks to your outpouring of support last week, coupled with modern medicine, I’m not going to miss a beat -- and I hope you’ll continue to fight alongside me. The CDC admitted on Friday the coronavirus is less deadly than the seasonal flu. Their numbers are so much lower than any of their projections or statistics that had been reported prior, it really makes you wonder what the motivation is for the continuing “pandemic” measures. In fact, only one age bracket (those over 70) even has more than a 0.5% chance of dying from a COVID-19 infection. That’s lower than the flu! Have all the quarantines, mask mandates, business, school, and church shutdowns just been one large submission ritual to runaway government? Just look at the results: Tens of millions lost their previously viable jobs and had to go on the new hybrid welfare program cooked up by Congress in the CARES Act. Big government cronies and Big Pharma have seen profits explode since March, while small businesses have been destroyed by the thousands. Average Americans are fighting with each other over mask wearing and “distancing” even though it’s never been proven that healthy people spread this virus. Enough is enough. We’re going to push harder every day to put a stop to this madness.Can I count on your contribution of $50 today to help put a stop to these historic abuses of our Bill of Rights over an overblown virus? Speaking of the gimmicks being mandated for our submission -- I cannot believe the lengths some authoritarians are willing to go to enforce the useless mask mandates. I watched with horror last week as a middle school mother was dragged out of the stands of her son’s football game and tasered because she could not wear a mask. She wasn’t within 20 feet of any person other than her own family! This is doing serious damage to our society. They’re taking it way too far. It’s quite obvious there are some people benefitting from this chaos by expanding their power, but at least one governor, Ron DeSantis from Florida, is starting to promote the truth over the mass hysteria. “We’re quarantining hundreds of thousands of people, possibly even millions across the country who aren’t even contagious,” were his words as he was discussing the over-testing and the numbers that have been blown way out of proportion. More politicians need to follow DeSantis’ lead on this topic because people everywhere have grown tired of the hysteria being encouraged by the political class. Can I count on you to chip in $50, $25, or even $10 right now so that we can fight back against this coronavirus madness? Giving into fear will always turn us into mere subjects of the ruling class. The same has been true during my time in politics and throughout history. We must demand an end to the fear tactics coming from Washington D.C. and our own state governments now to stop these abuses of the American public. Our long-term success as a country depends on it. For Liberty, ![]() Dr. Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. Campaign for Liberty is fighting back daily against any more coronavirus bailouts, contact tracing and tracking schemes, mask mandate pushing and even untested and unproved forced vaccinations. But we can’t do it without your help. Please consider pitching in a contribution of $25 -- or even $50 -- to ensure Campaign for Liberty can keep the pressure on the authoritarians who have taken control across the country by using disgraceful fear tactics against all of us. Respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, individual liberty, sound money, and a
constitutional foreign policy constitute the foundation of the Campaign for Liberty.